On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,71

one another.

“Easy, boys,” Maverick approached them. “Why doesn’t everyone just take a breath?”

“It was a joke. I was joking.”

“You’re a fucking moron,” Callum spat, swaying gently on his feet. He was toasted. We all were. “She’s my sister, you asshole. You think I want to hear you talking about her like that?”

My spine snapped straight as I edged closer to where they were standing.

“I didn’t think you’d care.” Saul’s brows pinched. “You didn’t even tell us about her. How the fuck was I supposed to know you’d go all caveman just because she’s hot as sin.”

Red hot jealousy exploded in my veins. He was talking about Calli.

My Calli.

“What did you just say?” I ground out.

“Zach?” Saul blinked. “What are you—”

“Fuck off, Messiah,” Callum glared at me, his eyes glassy from all the liquor. “This isn’t your fight. She’s my sister. I should be the one to—”

“You’re drunk,” I hissed, feeling anger lick up my spine. “You should go home before you say or do something you’ll regret. Somebody get him out of here.”

“Come on, Callum.” A couple of the senior players started to pull him away, but he shirked out of their hold.

“Who made you the fucking boss, huh?” He stepped into me, jabbing his finger at my chest. “You wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for Declan’s accident. You think you’re so fucking slick walking around campus like—”

“Callum,” someone barked, but I cut them off.

“No, let’s hear what he has to say, since he obviously has such a problem with me. Go on then, James, I’m waiting. Tell me how it is?”

“Zach, man,” Brad inched closer. “This isn’t helping.”

But I couldn’t stop myself. Rage vibrated beneath my skin, desperate for a way out.

“Brad’s right, Zach,” that was Maverick, “walk away.”

“Yeah, whatever.” I spun around ready to get the fuck out of there when Callum’s voice gave me pause.

“It goes for you too, Messiah. Stay the fuck away from my sister. She’s too good for you, she always was.”

Without thinking I turned around and threw my fist straight into his face. Callum saw it coming and ducked out of the way, my knuckles clipping his cheek instead of his jaw.

“Fuck,” he grunted, righting himself and throwing himself at me, his fist mashing straight into my eye. Pain exploded along my cheekbone as I blinked, trying to shake off the stars in my vision. He started to come at me again, but a couple of players grabbed him, hauling him just out of reach.

I straightened myself, my eyes narrowed to dangerous slits. The air shifted around us, cracking with tension as we stared at one another.

“Okay.” A heavy hand landed on my shoulder. “That’s enough for tonight. Messiah, you’re with me, let’s go.” Maverick shoved me hard, and I stumbled toward the door, cutting through the crowd like butter. Pain radiated across my knuckles, but it wasn’t enough.

“Here,” Maverick thrust a bottle of water at me, “drink it.”

I stared at it as if it was poison.

“You’re going to need it.”

What the fuck?

My brows furrowed.

“You think I’m taking you home to sleep it off?” His lips curved into a smug smile. “Oh, hell no, we’re going to the court.”

“It’s almost ten thirty on a Friday night and I’m pretty sure he broke my eye socket.”

He leaned in, inspecting what I imagined was an ugly fucking bruise. “I’ve seen worse. And I’m Maverick Prince. If I want to use the court, who’s going to stop me?”

“Are you always this fucking irritating?” I grumbled, ripping the cap off the water and chugging it down.

“Let’s go,” he said, ignoring me. “I’m going to put you through your paces and then you’re going to tell me what the fuck that was all about.”

“I used to like you,” I murmured, falling into step beside him. Because what other choice did I have?

It was Maverick Prince.

Besides, I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep until I’d burned off some of the tension swimming inside me.

And Prince was one of the best.


“Oh my god, she did not.” I could barely contain my laughter as Xavier embarrassed Josie with story after story of her as a freckle-faced teenager.

“She did. Caught her brother balls deep in some girl but didn’t realize until it was too late.”

“Xav!” Josie slapped his arm, burying her face in her hands. “I thought they were swimming.”

“And got into the pool with them.”

“I was twelve!” Josie’s cheeks burned a deep shade of red. “I’m not sure I like you anymore.” She stuck her tongue out at

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