The Rebound - Noelle Adams Page 0,36

had gotten too close.”

“Only if you screamed.”

“I would have screamed.”

He’d rolled over onto his side so they were lying facing each other. “I don’t know. You’re so quiet and contained that you might have tried to fight it without making a sound.”

She wondered when he’d gotten to know her so well. So deeply. “I’d have made a sound. I’d have wanted you to help me.”


“Yeah. If I’m facing a monster, I’m definitely going to want you around to help. So I’d scream to wake you up.”

“Good.” He pulled her face close enough to his to kiss her. “Because I’m gonna wanna help you face down any monsters you have to fight.”

Her stomach twisted in both nerves and emotional pleasure. His blue eyes were soft and fond when he pulled back from the kiss. “Y’okay?” he asked again, softer this time.

“Yes,” she whispered. “I’m good.”

“Good. Me too.” He groaned as he rolled over onto his back, stretching his arms out over his bed. “Shit, I don’t want to get up today.”

“Well, it’s Friday. You just have to get through today, and then you’ll get the weekend.”

“That’s true.” He turned his head to check her face. “You got big plans this weekend?”

“No. Not much. I’m planning to finish up my work for the flower shop this morning, and then I have the rest of the weekend off.”

“That’s good. Maybe we can hang out some since I won’t have the girls.”

Since this was exactly what she’d been hoping, she smiled and started to say that she’d like that.

Then Ken broke in, “Shit.”


“I forgot about Bill’s retirement party tonight at Anna’s. I need to at least make an appearance there.”

Bill West had been the town manager for decades.

“Oh yeah. I was invited to that too. I was planning to stop by too. But that won’t take too long.”

“No. It won’t.” He paused, like he was preparing to say something important. Madeline even held her breath. But all he said was, “Then I guess I’ll see you there then.”


“You want me to come over to your place afterward?”

“Sure. That would be fine. Or I can come here. I like it here, and that way poor Marlowe doesn’t have to spend the night alone.”

At the sound of his name, Marlowe jumped up from the dog bed where he’d been sleeping all night and clambered over toward the bed, eyes bright and tongue lolling. He obviously believed his name being spoken meant it was time for his breakfast.

Madeline laughed and reached down to scratch behind his ears.

“Okay. You come here then. Marlowe will certainly appreciate it.” Ken’s voice was warm. Slightly textured. He gave her hair a brief caress before he rolled out of bed with visible reluctance. “Shower,” he muttered. “Shower. Coffee. Work.”

“And Marlowe’s breakfast,” Madeline added with another giggle. “Don’t forget about that!”

“I wouldn’t dream of forgetting that. Shower first or I’ll never manage to stay out of bed.”

He disappeared into the bathroom while Madeline continued to stroke Marlowe’s soft fur. She was smiling rather sappily. But that was probably because of the dog.

Definitely not because of Ken.

THE DAY PASSED QUICKLY. Madeline got her work done in the morning, even more quickly than she’d been hoping, so she went grocery shopping and then stopped by to help out at the flower shop for a couple of hours.

She relaxed in the afternoon, reading and doing some laundry. At six, she finally forced herself to get off her couch and got in the shower, figuring she should probably clean up a bit before she showed herself in public.

She showered and shaved her legs and even washed her hair. Then she put on a pretty casual skirt and a top that made the most of her boobs. The outfit was perfectly appropriate for most occasions. She wasn’t particularly dressed up. She wasn’t sure why she’d made such an effort with her appearance. Sure, Ken would be there tonight, but they wouldn’t be there together.

They wouldn’t be on a date.

She finished the outfit off with her favorite high boots and was pleased with her appearance. She looked soft and curvy and as pretty as it was possible for her to look.

The party was at Anna’s, so all she had to do was walk half a block and across the street. It wasn’t yet dark out, and people were already spilling out from the diner and onto the downtown sidewalk. Bill was much loved. There would be a big turnout tonight. Madeline made her way over, greeting a few people Copyright 2016 - 2024