The Rebel - Raleigh Ruebins Page 0,62

I couldn’t think about anything else all night,” he said, brushing his lips over my forehead and pressing small kisses there.

“Because you were worried about me?”

“Because I wanted you. Real fucking badly,” he corrected, his gaze fierce. “I want to watch you lose control again. And I want it to be because of me. I wait around for your messages like a damn fool, because that’s always how I’ve been with you, Liam. You flip some kind of switch inside me that makes me…”

He paused, pulling in a long breath. My mind was reeling.

I wanted to believe it so badly. I was so used to thinking people were going to hurt me, but with Red, I knew deep down I didn’t have to be scared.

“I want you so badly, too,” I said. “You have no fucking idea.”

“You sure about that? Because I’ll buzz off if you need me to,” he said, shaking his head, his eyes dancing between mine. “But I really, really don’t want to.”

He watched me, looking for a signal to proceed.

“Then kiss me again,” I said. I made it sound like a challenge, like I was daring him to kiss me, but in reality I was too shot with adrenaline to move an inch. I felt like I was going to explode hearing the things Red was saying to me.

But if my favorite big, dumb cowboy in the world wanted me right now, I wouldn’t dream of stopping him.

The same possessive look fell over his eyes again, and he was like a lion hunting his prey. He leaned back in slowly, teasing me again, resting his forehead against mine. Drops of water continually cascaded between us, running down our faces as he held me there.

“You make me crazy,” he said, his voice full of fire. His lips were so close to mine, but he wouldn’t give them to me, prolonging the moment as my cock ached like hell between my legs.

“I would do anything for you,” I whispered, almost scared by how true it was.

He groaned softly as he leaned back in and kissed me. He let his lips linger on mine like he hadn’t before, kissing me hard and slow, like he was making a point. He was taking his time, opening up to me as I finally opened to him. I wrapped both my arms around his hips, clutching him close to me, digging my fingertips into his skin.

Unlike anyone else I’d been with, I trusted Red completely. I trusted that he knew my body even better than I did.

His soft, wet hair brushed against my jawline as he moved to press a slow kiss to the side of my neck, and I couldn’t help but laugh a little, unexpectedly.

“It fucking tickles,” I said softly, squirming a little in his arms. He was clutching me so close already, but he held me tighter now, looking down at me.

“I forgot how ticklish you are.”

I tried, but there was no chance I’d be able to squirm out of his grasp. He teased me, running the tip of his tongue gently along the skin at the base of my neck. I groaned.

“You’re the worst,” I said.

“You love it,” he said, dipping lower to flick his tongue across my nipple.

“Jesus,” I whispered, arching my back slightly as my cock somehow got even harder than it already was.

“I’ll stop torturing you,” he said, coming back up. “Maybe.”

I thought he would let me go, but his arms remained tight around me, like he was having a hard time letting me go. His eyes danced across my face, and I had a second to catch my breath.

It almost felt dangerous how quickly Red had erased the feeling of emptiness from me tonight.

The second he appeared behind me in the garden, it was like half of my emptiness was lifted already. But now, as he touched me and finally kissed me, I felt like I was whole again. It was a feeling I had chased for years with drugs and alcohol, but never been able to catch.

But here it was. Right in front of me, in the form of a man I wanted so badly it fucking hurt. He was looking at me like I was the only person in the world who mattered. Red had always been so good at that.

“Maybe I want you to keep torturing me,” I said.

Something flashed across his face, and in a moment, he turned me around in his arms so that I was facing the back Copyright 2016 - 2024