The Rebel of Raleigh High (Raleigh Rebels #1) - Callie Hart Page 0,5

of papers, frowning as she tries to find something. The man next to her is wearing a uniform. The ‘Grays Harbor County Sherriff’s Department’ badge on the sleeve of his dark green bomber jacket tells me everything I need to know about him.

The Deputy sighs, removing his hat and scrubbing the back of his hand against his forehead. He looks stressed. “Juvie’s not an option in this particular case. The facility in Wellson Falls has been shut down. We’d have to transfer him out of state if we really wanted to pursue the charges, and the paperwork alone is just…” He trails off, and Principle Darhower heaves a sigh of his own.

“I don’t need to tell you how disruptive something like this is to our students. The school year might have only just started, but our seniors are already buckling down and prepping for college. We have plenty of our own bad apples. Another trouble maker stalking the halls of Raleigh is only going to make life harder for the good kids.”

“Jim, we know, believe me.” The woman in the grey pantsuit seems to have found what she was looking for. She holds out a green file to Darhower, and I take a look at her face properly for the first time. Mid to late thirties. Dark hair. Dark eyes. I suppose she’s quite pretty. There’s a sad, tiredness to her that makes her look like a kicked puppy, though. I can picture her opening a bottle of wine when she gets home at night, telling herself she deserves a glass after the day she’s had, and then before she knows it, she’s polished off the entire bottle. She’s a social worker, no doubt about it.

She called Darhower by his first name, which means she’s dealt with him before. Darhower grimaces as he takes the file from her, briefly opening it and glancing at the first page, then closing it quickly, as if he can’t face its contents. “I guess I don’t really have a say in the matter then,” Darhower says. “He starts on Monday.”

The social worker and the sheriff’s deputy trade a glance that looks relieved even from where I’m standing. All three of them shift as if some unspoken command has been issued to them, and they head toward the door that leads to the principal’s office. That’s when I realize there’s been a fourth person there the entire time. With Darhower and the deputy standing so close together, blocking my view, I just hadn’t seen the guy sitting on the chair to their right.

He’s young. My age. His dark hair is almost black, shaved close at the sides, longer on top, thick and wavy. He’s both stretched out and slumped in the chair at the same time, artfully arranged into a position of careless boredom, the soles of his booted feet almost reaching the opposite wall of the hallway. His clothes are dark and simple—grey jeans, and a plain black t-shirt. Tattoos stain the skin of his bare arms. To the left of his chair, a black motorcycle helmet sits on the floor, along with a beaten, ratty looking canvas bag, covered in patches. I only see his face in profile. His eyes are closed, his fingers pressing into his brow like he’s nursing a headache. The cut of his jawline is strong, as is the high slope of his cheekbone. His mouth…I can’t really see his mouth.

He’s silent, he’s still—unbelievably still, actually—but there’s something about the shape and the cut of the guy that fills me with panic. The vibe he’s silently giving off at the other end of the hallway feels dangerous. He’s nothing like Jacob and the other guys on the football team. Jacob’s an instrument of chaos, and that’s precisely what he incites in his dumb ass buddies. They thrive on manipulation and deception, half-grown and on the brink of graduating into their adult bodies, hopped up on testosterone, convinced they own the world, that they’re entitled to it, and god help anyone who tries to prevent them from claiming it.

This stranger, though…

He’s an unknown. An outside threat. There’s nothing about the way he’s sprawled out in that chair that tells me what motivates or drives him. He holds himself with a kind of self-possessed arrogance that makes me want to climb inside my locker and hide there until the end of term. From the sounds of things, he’s up to his neck in trouble, and whatever he did almost landed him Copyright 2016 - 2024