The Rebel of Raleigh High (Raleigh Rebels #1) - Callie Hart Page 0,106

I just want to be here with you.”

This is a plea. Now that we’ve acknowledged the email, she wants it to be done with. She doesn’t want it looming over us for the rest of the night. I get it. I understand. I also just wish she’d give me the green light so I could jump on the back of the bike, go and find every single one of those motherfuckers and mess them up so badly they'll never walk again. That'd be satisfying beyond words. I'm not going to push the matter, though. It was a massive leap of faith for her to tell me what happened in the first place. “All right. Done. No more email talk. We can save the dark stuff for another time. Or never. It’s your call. When’s your curfew? If we have time, we can throw on a movie?”

“Actually…” She pauses. Looks a little awkwardly around the living room. “There is no curfew. I’m free for the night. I was hoping I could crash—”

“You’re staying here? Tonight?”

“If that’s okay with y—”

She squeals as I lunge for her, lifting her off the couch. “I have no idea how you pulled that off, Argento, but you just made my week,” I growl into her hair.

“Alex! Put me down! What the hell?” She’s laughing. The smile’s right there on her face, so I know she’s not mad about the fact that I’m dragging her off toward the bedroom, but I still need to want to make sure…

“You wanna help me break in that bed, Dolcezza? ’Cause I’ve never even slept in it, and I’ve wanted to tear your fucking clothes off since you walked through the front door.” I really have wanted to get her naked since she arrived, but I’m not a monster. I could wait. I’d be happier than a pig in shit if she wanted to curl up on the couch and watch a movie, but I don’t think that’s what she needs right now. She needs to know just how bad I fucking want her. She needs to see for herself just how attractive I think she is. How that email isn’t going to affect my need for her in any way, shape or form.

Silver winds her arms around my neck, digging her fingernails into my shoulder blades. Her eyes shine brightly as she reaches up to kiss me. She runs her tongue over the seam of my mouth, tugging on my bottom lip between her teeth, and my dick begins to throb, screaming for attention. Needy bastard. I come to a halt outside the bedroom, resting my hand on the doorknob. “Say the word, and we can eat ice cream on the couch and watch Seinfeld.”

“Or…?” she asks breathlessly.

“I take you in here, and I eat you until you come.”

Her color is high, a small, dazed smile on her face. “Open the door then. Seinfeld can wait.”

I’m crowing in my head as I kick the bedroom door open and carry her inside. Silver yelps again, laughing, as I throw her down onto the bed. I have her shoes off, her jeans down, her panties on the floor and my fingers inside her before she can even draw breath. She grabs my wrist with both her hands, catching hold of me, stilling me so I can’t move. Her eyes have doubled in size, and her mouth is hanging open…

“Oh, fuck. Alex!”

God damn, she is so fucking beautiful. Everything about her is perfect. In the small hours of the morning, when the prospect of the future has kept me from sleeping and I’ve laid there, considering what will probably come of me, the life I’ve pictured for myself has been far from promising.

Stuck working at the Rock for starters, putting in years for Monty. Maybe joining the M.C. Doing runs, dropping off guns, or drugs, or dirty money whenever the need arises, not asking questions, keeping my head down. When I’ve felt optimistic, I’ve allowed myself to imagine Ben here. That I’ve gained custody of him, and I’m a good role model to him. I keep him safe. The one thing I have never, ever imagined, though, is a girlfriend or a wife. I never thought I’d meet anyone I’d want to factor into my life…but now there’s Silver. I’m almost panicked by the idea that she might like me as much as I like her. I don’t want to mess this up. I don’t want to hurt her. I don’t want to Copyright 2016 - 2024