The Rebel Queen (Outlaw #1) - Lexi Blake Page 0,34

“So while I’m playing king and possibly bait to draw Myrddin away from the Council building, I assume my wife is coming out of retirement.”

I wouldn’t stop looking for a way to fix things, but I did have a job to do, and I would need some help. “Lee is the only one who can see the grimoire when it’s outside the bag of holding. I’m going to need him. Please tell me you stole the Mantle of Arthur.”

Lee shrugged as though that was a forgone conclusion. “I was told I could bring one toy. It was my favorite. Cool. Me and Mom and Grandad. The band is back together.”

And we would be playing one last gig.

Chapter Eight

I watched out the window at the bonfire going on in the distance. I didn’t question the magic that gave this place under the mountain a night sky and allowed the fires to warm us without choking every creature with smoke. The Fae had some strong magic, and it was enhanced by being here in the land the Huldrefólk had called home for thousands of years. The mountain itself was magic. It was the birthplace of elves and trolls and brownies, one of the strongest Fae places on the Earth plane.

I had to pray it stayed that way now that we were here.

My sons were out there, sitting around the bonfire and drinking with their friends. Likely finding someone to bed down with for the night. Perhaps not Rhys. He seemed to tiptoe around Shy, his eyes on her when he thought she wasn’t looking. There was a connection between them that couldn’t be denied, but I understood it must be hard to be interested in someone who could turn into your grandfather at any given moment.

Lee, on the other hand, flirted with everyone who came into his space. I thought I’d seen an odd connection with Dean earlier, but Lee seemed to have forgotten him and moved on to trying to seduce a pretty sidhe.

“Do you want to join them, my goddess?” Big hands found my shoulders, drawing me back against a muscular chest.

I sighed and leaned against Devinshea. “I think my presence would put a damper on the celebrations.”

Though the party was supposedly to celebrate the rescue of the royals, I felt the awkwardness any time I talked to one of the participants. The younger ones, at least. I’d had a lovely talk with Kim Jacobs and the academics, who were old friends. They hadn’t seemed to have changed, but everyone else had. Especially my children.

Dev’s arms went around me. “I decided the same thing. Daniel said he had to speak to the children before he joins us. It’s been a long day.”

It had been a day that lasted twelve years.

Sure enough, I saw Daniel walking back toward the house we were in. He had a grim look on his face, and I realized he hadn’t fed.

“I’ll take care of him.” Dev always could read my mind about some things. Or perhaps it was simply that we’d been together for so long, and worrying about Daniel had given us connected minds in some ways. “Why don’t you take a bath? Albert said the bathrooms here have tubs, and I assure you he won’t mind heating water for you.”

I shook my head and moved out of his arms. “No, I think we should talk.”

“I think we should do more than talk.” Dev was gorgeous by firelight. The shadows played over his features, sharpening some and softening others. His eyes were green jewels in that low light. “We had a terrible day. And a good day.”

“What was good about it?”

“Our children are alive,” Dev said firmly. “Our children seem genuinely all right, despite the fact that my family failed them entirely.”

The door came open and Daniel walked in. “Oh, I disagree. Parts of your family might have failed, but Albert did a wonderful job. Albert saved them. He didn’t hesitate. Harry did everything he could, and even held on after death to protect his grandchildren. Trent and Sasha raised them well. The family we put together functioned beautifully. They’re good kids.”

“I didn’t say they weren’t good. It’s just not fair. They shouldn’t have had to flee their home,” I argued. “They shouldn’t have had to become a paramilitary unit. They should have had their parents with them. Instead of worrying about setting this place right, shouldn’t we be trying to find a way back?”

“Back to where?” Daniel stared at me like I’d said Copyright 2016 - 2024