The Rebel Queen (Outlaw #1) - Lexi Blake Page 0,153

time to follow poor old Christine. She didn’t seem to want to go with the rest of the group to help protect our leader. Sure enough, her instincts were right and so were mine. You should know I’ve already told Myrddin you’re here. Now, I’ll take that bag and then you and I can go somewhere quiet. There are lessons I’ve longed to teach you.”

I was sure there were. I was surely the whore of his world now. That was what women were to a thing like Sharpe. Jack the Ripper had been the mask he’d worn once, but the beast underneath had never truly gone away. “He lets you kill, doesn’t he?”

“Myrddin understands that humans are less than worthless. Human females are responsible for covering the planet with their mewling, wasteful spawn.” Every word out of his mouth sounded toxic and poisonous. “When we close the gates to the celestial planes, I will be given free rein to kill as I will. The Earth plane will be my hunting grounds, and I will live as I should.”

My dumbass son wasn’t moving toward the apartment. He was starting to crawl my way. Like he could kill the vampire while he had a hole in his chest and blood pouring out of his body. Why wasn’t the vampire blood he’d taken earlier working? Danny had made sure he had it. He’d taken an extra shot. He should be healing.

“Oh, my dear, you look worried.” Alexander glanced back at Lee, a sly smile spreading across his face. “Is the king’s blood not working? Were you counting on that? It’s so handy to have him back, I’m sure. Real vampire blood works well, but king’s blood is something else entirely. It’s so sad when there’s an antidote.” He held up the blade. “This is a present from the Hell plane. There are only two in existence. Forged from Lucifer’s own bones. I’m afraid the vampire blood in your son’s system will do nothing but speed up his death, and the fact that it’s king’s blood will make it all the more painful. We’re coming for all of you, and there’s nothing the king can do. I can’t wait to see what this blade will do when I shove it through the king’s heart.” He pointed the sword my way. It still had my son’s blood on it. “The bag. Now. Or we’ll see what it can do to his queen.”

Lee reached out and grabbed at Alexander’s ankles, but it was obvious his strength was waning.

What if that blade could hurt Lee’s turn?

I managed to get the gun back in my hand, and I fired before he could stab Lee again. Alexander moved, and I only managed to nick his side.

His eyes went black as night, and he raised that weapon over my son’s body. “I’ll take his head next, Your Highness. Drop that gun or I’ll present your son to the Dark One in two pieces.”

“Mom, don’t,” Lee gasped.

But I knew damn well that cutting off his head would stop any possibility of his turn. I couldn’t let that happen. I dropped the gun. I had to find a way to get both of us behind the wards. Lee was so close. We needed to get into the apartment, and I had to figure out a way to let Danny know we were in trouble.

I held my hands up. “I’m doing what you want. I don’t have any weapon on me that could kill you, so lower yours.”

“Want your baby boy to be pretty in death, eh? Because he’s not going to heal. The pain must be excruciating.” Alexander turned his attention back to me. “The bag, now, Your Highness. And then we’ll wait for Myrddin. He needs you alive, apparently, but I think he’ll give me some time with you. After this, I’ll be his right-hand man, so to speak.”

I wasn’t sure about that. Especially when I realized that I’d lied. I did have a weapon that could kill him. I picked up the bag.

I did have a play to make. One shot.

I held it open. “It’s in here.”

He wouldn’t care about the Sword of Light. No. He would go straight for the book because he thought he had me on the ropes. It didn’t matter that I was the queen, that I’d faced down demons and won wars against legions of Fae. I was a female and weak in his mind. I was broken when I was born. I was nothing Copyright 2016 - 2024