Reaper's Fire - Joanna Wylde Page 0,142

retardant,” I said. “They’re dropping it over the town to try and save it. They’ll coat as much as they can, maybe save some of the buildings.”

“I hope they spray our house,” Anna whispered.

Yeah. I hoped they sprayed mine, too.

• • •

It took us hours to reach Okanogan, and I was terrified every minute of it. Amazingly, Mrs. Webbly and my dad had managed to keep the girls calm. The bunk in the back had been folded into a bench seat, and they put down a small table. Dad was teaching them how to play poker. Mrs. Webbly was teaching them how to cheat.

Fortunately, I got cell service back once we’d cleared the valley, my phone pinging rapid-fire as text after text from Carrie downloaded. The girls’ phones were doing the same. I dialed Carrie’s number and this time she answered.

“Did you get out okay? Where are the girls?” she demanded.

“They’re in Gage’s semi with me,” I said, turning to see them watching me anxiously. “It’s your mom.”

“What about Dad?”

“Have you heard from Darren?” I asked.

“Yes, he’s fine,” she said, her voice strained. “They’ve got him and the other volunteers doing excavation work—trying to control and stop it. I’m not sure it’ll work. I saw the fire jumping the river as we drove away.”

“Where are you now?”

“Headed east,” she said. “Toward Okanogan. You?”

“Probably on the same road as you,” I said, slumping back into the seat. “Thank God for that. You want to talk to the kids?”

“Please,” she said. I turned and handed the phone back to them as Rebecca burst into loud tears.

“Ladies, please try to keep it under control,” Gage asked, his voice tense. “I’m trying to concentrate. Visibility is shit.”

“Sorry,” Rebecca apologized, and their voices quieted. I sat and watched as the slowly moving line of vehicles inched forward. After a few minutes, Anna touched my shoulder.

“Mom wants to talk to you again.”

I took the phone and held it to my ear, speaking quietly. “Hey, feeling better?”

“Thank you so much,” she said, and it sounded like she was crying. “I’ll never be able to thank you enough. I think this has been the worst day of my life. I can’t believe it all happened so fast.”

“How’s your aunt?”

“It’s been awful,” she told me. “We had to evacuate faster than planned, and nothing went right. Aunt Ruby boards horses—there were twelve of them on the farm, but her trailer only carries eight. We managed to load six before the sheriff pulled up and told us to get out while we still could.”

I swallowed.

“Oh shit.”

“We turned them loose,” she said sadly. “Hopefully they’ll make it. Farmers up and down the valley are setting their livestock free and hoping for the best.”

“So I guess we’ll see you in Okanogan?” I asked.

“Yes. I’ll get the girls from you, and then we’ll figure out what we’re going to do.”

“Love you,” I said.

“Love you, too. Drive safe.”


We met up with Carrie in the Safeway parking lot in Okanogan.

The twins tackle-hugged her, and then she tackle-hugged Tinker. Everyone seemed to be crying, but I was just relieved we’d made it out of there. Pulling out my phone, I walked around the side of the truck for some privacy, then checked my messages.

There was a text from Pic saying they’d arrived safe, and that they’d be heading out for Coeur d’Alene soon. That one had come through an hour ago. I messaged him back.

ME: In Okanogan. Grabbing food and then we start for CDA. Please have the girls pull together some things for Tinker her dad and her neighbor lady.

Suddenly someone hit me from behind, arms wrapping tight around my body in a powerful squeeze. My instincts were to slam the attacker against the truck, but somehow I managed to control myself long enough to realize she wasn’t a threat.

“Thank you,” Carrie sobbed against my back. “Thank you so much for saving my babies. I was so scared, but I knew Tinker would get them out. And you helped her. I’m so sorry for the way I hated you and thought you were horrible. I don’t care who you are. All I care is that my babies are alive and I will never, ever forget what you did today.”

For such a tiny little thing she was strong, and it took me a couple seconds to pry her hands free. Then I turned toward her and got a second hug, this one head on. Tinker stood just behind her, tears streaming down her face.

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