Reaper's Fire - Joanna Wylde Page 0,119

my eyes. “Then I’ll take you for a ride before we grab some dinner at Jack’s.”

“You’re a smartass.”

“You get off on it.”

Reaching for the helmet, I shrugged, pretending he wasn’t right about that.

• • •

Five minutes later we’d pulled away from the house. My arms were wrapped tight around his waist and his butt was cradled in my hips, something that gave me no small pleasure (the vibration of the bike between my legs didn’t exactly hurt, either). You’d think that sleeping with him the night before would’ve taken off the edge. If anything, it’d gotten worse—I knew how good Gage was in the sack, and I wanted more.

The sun was still bright, although it was low in the sky. Air rushed by my face as we headed toward the hills and I wondered where he was taking me. Not that I particularly cared. The last year and a half had been hellish, every moment of every day a crisis. Tonight, though . . . tonight I didn’t have to accomplish anything.

Tonight I got to relax and enjoy.

After what felt like no time at all, Gage pulled off the highway onto a county road, and I realized where he was taking me. Malachi Ridge. Not a bad call—the mountain had an incredible view and lots of places where a couple could spend a few minutes getting to know each other in the privacy of the trees. Just the thought made me grin.

Gage was taking me to a makeout place!

It was cheesy and silly and wonderful all at once, because I hadn’t done something this fun in years. By the time we pulled over at the top of the ridge, my entire body hummed with anticipation. Gage must’ve been feeling the same thing, because as he turned off the big bike’s engine, he reached down to catch my hand, pushing it toward the bulge of his pants. I copped a feel and laughed.

My biker tenant wanted me just as bad as I wanted him, no question.

“So your plan is to take me up here and . . . ?”

Gage caught my thigh, giving it a squeeze. “Well, I was thinkin’ we could fuck. Sorta wanted to drag you back to my apartment before we left, but I figured this might be better under the circumstances. Not that I care what your dad and Mary Webbly see, but—”

“I care,” I said, finishing the sentence. I rubbed his dick slowly, imagining it inside of me. Yum. “It’s a strange dynamic, living with your dad at my age. At least he was focused today.”

He squeezed my fingers before pulling them away from his package.

“We better get off the bike before I strain something.”

“Hey, I was just trying to be friendly.”

“Let me grab a blanket, and then you can be friendly on your back.”

• • •

While Gage had clearly been to Malachi Ridge before, I knew it a hell of a lot better than he did. We’d been coming here since I was a kid, first for picnics with my folks and then with my friends during high school. Carrie had lost her virginity to Darren up here, a night I remembered all too well. They’d subjected me and Margarita to their endless making-out noises in the backseat all evening, so when they finally stumbled off to do the deed, we’d been thrilled to get rid of them.

Since then, I’d always associated the ridge with parties. I’d forgotten how beautiful it was, though. Gage laid out the blanket on a patch of soft grass above rockfall, leaving us with a gorgeous, open view of the valley.

Catching my hand, Gage pulled me in for another of those powerful kisses he was so good at delivering. I melted into him, allowing myself to simply feel as his hand ran down my back, pressing me into his body. His chest was firm with muscle, and the arms holding me were tight and strong. Everything about him radiated sexy man—even his smell was sexy. Not that he wore any cologne or anything . . . it was all him.


His hands grew more urgent, pulling me down with him to the blanket. The soft ache I’d felt between my legs all day roared to life, sending shivers rushing through me. The need grew as he rolled over me, thrusting a knee between mine, separating and opening me for his touch.

After another long kiss, Gage tore his lips away to kiss down my neck. Then his hands were catching the bottom Copyright 2016 - 2024