Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,81

to be around them all the time.

So not the same, but it was the core of why she hated me besides I had the attention she wanted. She was forced to see me all the time when her worst nightmare was to be an unknown who never got blood or learned she was a vampire.

“She really is damaged,” Izzy muttered, glancing at me to where Holly was walking off. “And for the record, I learned a lot about auras over break. Someone worked with me to win me over that he should be forgiven.”

I bit back a smirk. “Did you?”

“Do you still hurt?” She snorted when I didn’t answer. “Then fuck no, I don’t forgive him yet. I think he might deserve you again, but I won’t forgive him until you stop being in pain from what he did.”

It would’ve sounded almost childish coming from anyone else but Izzy was so pure, it was almost like a hobgoblin being mad at you and your soul hurt. And I loved her for being on my side like that.

We loaded up on food, Irma and the others doting on me as usual, and then sat down where I could finally look at my schedule. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, my schedule was:

Power Training I


Instructor Rothchild

Botany 102


Professor Pillay



Shifter Culture II


Professor Puth

Tuesdays and Thursdays were other classes:

Physics 102


Professor Richardson

Magical Advancements102


Professor Campbell

Potions 102


Professor Kramer



Runes 202


Dr. Craftsman

The only real difference besides moving onto the next semester of all my classes was the new potions teacher, Professor Kramer. White had assured me he wasn’t associated with the council in anyway and was actually their first choice originally, but the council had flexed their muscles and Edelman had picked his battles, letting McGrath have the position.

Well that had backfired onto the council in a lovely way.

The ripples of which I was still enjoying and pissing people off all over the place. The warlock elders were busy with it all the time, and McGrath was still trying to get me messages he would burn the elders if I helped him.

Idiot. I didn’t need his help to burn the elders.

And I wanted a predator like him to fry too.

So with the humans in prison he would stay, and that made me smile every time I thought about it.


By the end of the first week of classes, I’d learned a lot outside of the curriculum. Some of it interesting and other stuff disturbing. A few hurtful so overall, it was too much and my head was spinning.

A per usual.

While anyone was better than McGrath to teach potions, my new professor had a serious crush on me. It was genuine and not with any nefarious purpose, but it made me uncomfortable. A man in his forties shouldn’t be that hot for a twenty-year-old he was supposed to be an adult figure for.

Then again, his thoughts weren’t his fault and he had no intention of acting on them. That was clear in his mind. He had no clue I knew any of it, trying to be respectful and using a telepathy blocking charm around me so he acted appropriately.

Those simply didn’t work with me anymore. So as long as he kept behaving as he should, we wouldn’t have a problem. Craftsman was not happy though, as he had caught lots in Professor Kramer’s aura when focused on me.

Oh boy.

I also learned that besides Holly’s stunt, the vampire council had made a formal request to Artemis to block a murderer from being on campus with their poor, poor people. Funny, because they had no problem with Jordan Holmes and those guys who were actual murderers and were convicted of a bunch of heinous crimes.

But me? Me, they went after without any proof or convictions.

Geiger had a field day with that. For real, he was almost giddy. His fighting spirit had been renewed, recharged, and kicked up to the max now that his mate was back and safe. I was happy for them, and seeing them together helped me stayed charged to keep going and free more fairies.

Which, I’d learned I could now do ten with the same power already. That had been another shock and left me a bit extra depleted, but ten every other day was better than five. And so far things were going well on that front, everyone in shock but glad to be free.

I also learned that Mel still wasn’t going to talk to me and try to resolve what had happened. She barely grunted at me when she had to Copyright 2016 - 2024