Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,53

to, trust to give it to people straight. They need a crash course on the state of things or they will do more damage than good.”

People were quiet several moments with that. Katrina Calloway spoke up first. “You’re saying your preliminary plan involves each fairy getting a checklist they must complete before they can go out into this world? They complete the section about cellphones and get a check to move onto the next topic?”

“We know about cellphones,” one muttered.

Neldor snorted. Several others as well, but he was the amusing one. “They are vastly different. I regret not taking Tamsin more seriously about that. The technology is amazing, but it also makes them dangerous.”

I focused on Katrina. “Yes, that’s my starting line. Say you, Edelman, White, and Craftsman make videos with what you know about the changes regarding your council and society. What are the big events that pushed one way or another? What do they need to know now? That gives them a foundation to then figure out what questions to ask.

“We get that for each group. Then you can sit with them and answer specific questions. Those you help turn and help other groups, and then we can get more reacclimated faster. For right now, they can’t stay in Faerie once I bring them through. I don’t know how long that will be. But there are fair folk to rescue and lots to do. We can do more from the shadows if they get updated.” I shrugged.

I wasn’t sure what else there really was to say.

“Are you speaking on behalf of your mothers or—why are they not coming up with the plan here as the rulers?” Councilman Brooks asked.

Well, shit. That was a completely logical question to ask that I was stupid to not have thought of as an issue.

Except we didn’t even have to answer.

“I’m sorry for both of your losses,” he whispered, his face completely pale.

And his wasn’t the only one.

“Something else to remove from memories,” Tanesha grumbled.

Again, I didn’t disagree.

After some stumbling, people managed to move past the realization that both fairy queens were gone and focus on the issue at hand. They had suggestions on who specifically to bring in and how to frame it as something for Artemis or research being done. The best was Mrs. Diaz having a connection to the bigger supe network and promising she’d get us news footage.

“What news footage?” Neldor asked.

But I already knew the answer. Mrs. Diaz did everything with style.

She smirked at him. “All of it. I’ll start from when fairies were called back to Faerie, but I’ll get it all. That should help them see it all for themselves and get caught up.”

“Yes, as there are multiple things we can do with that much information,” Iolas muttered, shooting me a quick look there was more to say later.

Oh, if there was some fairy rune to absorb knowledge or learn shit faster that I didn’t know about and had been struggling to learn all I did, I was not going to be a happy woman. Then again, it was better to learn it now instead of keep going as I was.

“Good, then we have the first layer of plan,” I sighed, feeling relaxed others agreed this was the right path.

“Yes, and it can be built upon, which is always the best sort of plan,” Mr. Vogel praised. “The question I have is how many can you bring at a time or how often?” He held up his hand when the fairies with me went tense. “More people means more to keep under wraps and control so you’re not busted. You need to factor that into this plan.”

I nodded. “I agree. Plus, that means more provisions as what was done magically takes a toll on us. It—the garbage disposal I am is nothing compared to what they will go through and we need to facilitate that. Quietly.” I tapped my fingers on the table. “And start setting traps now that I will have help to do more.”

“You mean what you learned about our security,” Mrs. Vogel surmised, sighing when I nodded. “You’re playing a dangerous game, Tamsin.”

I knew that and my blood boiled, though not at her. “The game is already being played. Berman made it clear I get him crystals and now, or he would start sending hobgoblins to me in body bags. Neldor working with the fae dogs has bought us time, but he confirmed the wards on their castles are less than two weeks Copyright 2016 - 2024