Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,51

in the process like you promised Richardson, then I’m in.”

“Right answer.” I smirked at him as I stood. “Don’t worry, Collins. You’ll get a fae dog protector like Richardson and his mate have.”

His eyes went wide. “You can order them with your telepathy.”

I chuckled. “Naw, I’m just irresistible and they know the winning team when they see it.” I glanced at the clock. “Let’s go. I’m not one to be late to my own meeting.”

I didn’t wait for his answer, knowing he would follow. I did give pause on what to do with Mr. Rodriguez’s journal and the information. After a moment, I handed it over to Neldor. “You have more experience with the family trees of supes and the dark practices of some regarding fairies. This should be your responsibility to handle, not mine. If it was humans, I have more experience, but we need to make sure.”

“We do,” he agreed, taking it from me. “I’ll speak with Trigger Rothchild if I have any questions or need assistance.”

“Or Headmaster Edelman,” I added. “We’re looping him in on the progress at this meeting. We need him and he’s gone to the mat for me. He just might need someone to smack him around on what to keep quiet.”

“Gladly,” Iolas snorted.

Okay then. Glad that got to be someone else’s job now.


We were using the Recast Wardrobes’s business estate for the meeting since Natalie and my friends who ran the business weren’t there. The hobgoblins who took care of the place were—since they lived there always—and the people with the catering company were off since there weren’t any parties scheduled on that day or the next.

Which made it a great place to have a secret after dinner meeting.

And I was fairly sure people knew it was important given everyone managed to make it when it was last minute. The list included pretty much everyone who knew about me… Well, that I trusted.


From Artemis; Headmaster Edelman, Dean White, Dean Collins, Dr. Craftsman, Professor Richardson, and the hobgoblins who worked there.

The dragons included Mr. and Mrs. Vogel, Hudson, Tanesha Jameston, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz, Mr. and Mrs. Silva, and a variety of Rothchilds… That did not include Mel. Of course, Geiger and Claudia were there as well, along with a few of the partners of his firm I liked.

Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, plus a few of their top people they promised they trusted with their lives and it was time to read in. Then “my” wolves; Zack, Ray, Sean, and Marshall.

And to round it all out, one of my favorite witches ever, Katrina Calloway. So all the usual everyone, and I included Izzy, Darby, and Lucca in that as there was no way to leave them out.

“Iolas?” Katrina gasped when she saw us walk in. “Is it truly you?”

“Katrina? Whatever are you doing here? Have you been aiding the princess?”

“Princess?” several people hissed or gasped.

“Well, apparently you’re one of the people we need to gag,” I drawled. I blinked up at the guy. “Seriously? What the fuck, mate?”

He blinked at me as if he couldn’t believe that had just come out of my mouth, but not in the sexist way… More because I was a royal? Hell if I knew. He shook himself out of it. “I apologize profusely, Your Highness. You said these people knew and I thought—I am so very sorry.”

“Okay, several people here need to forget they ever learned that,” I worried as I glanced around. “Richardson is about to have a heart attack, and he’s not the only one.”

“I’ll make sure Prince Neldor is told exactly who will not leave this room with that knowledge,” Tanesha promised.

Meaning most who didn’t already know it. Yeah, that sounded about right.

I nodded that I agreed and focused back on this new development. I glanced at Katrina and gestured between them. “You know each other? Well?”

She smirked at me. “Oh, yes. It’s been years—more than you’re thinking—and he was a lieutenant then, but yes, we know each other well.” She did a double take and gave Iolas a worried look. “You need to tell her what you won’t want to. She is not like most and appreciates the truth, even if they’re hard ones. She deserves to know.”

Iolas studied her and nodded. “I will accept your counsel and I thank you for it. She is…”

“I’m one of a kind,” I offered, several people snorting. I ignored that and let out a chuckle of my own. “I really don’t know how much of this is Copyright 2016 - 2024