Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,27

his family’s house, but honestly I had no idea.

And I’d just sent him there naked.

I didn’t really feel guilty about that with the way he was acting.

I closed that portal and opened one under Darby, sending him to the Vogels’ castle… Completely bypassing their security. I didn’t send him through their portal, but to the Rothchilds’ wing, which shouldn’t have been possible.

But it was and I knew why.

I sighed as I glanced over at White. “Warn the Vogels and other royals not to let anyone else give crystals for their wards or glamours.”

She frowned but still pulled out her phone. “Why?”

“Because if my magic powers it, I can completely bypass their security, tap into it. I don’t know if that’s me or others can too.”

She went pale so fast, I worried she might faint. “Others have offered. Dozens of powerful warlocks have been offering and more than you could give according to them as they’re older and, well, men.”

“Shit, they have to know then and they used me starting it as the way in.” I bit back the smirk. “Make sure it doesn’t get to Alec. I want that loophole for that asshole.” I chuckled when I heard Ray and Zack’s thoughts. “Yeah, let’s do that for sure.”

“What?” Larson asked, glancing between them.

“You don’t need to know when you’re not on her side like we are,” Zack cut in.

Yeah, that was probably best.

White was though.

“They want to use back channels to sell my crystals to Berman, not only charging the asshole out the ass for them, but giving us this way in when we’re ready.”

She smiled, shaking her head as she talked to someone on her phone to get to the right people. “That also shows dissent in your camp and a chance for them to come at you in a way we can control and trap.”

“Oh, I like that,” I purred in our minds, sharing the idea with Zack and Ray.

Who were just as happy with it for sure.


“Where is this new reservoir?” I asked, figuring I might as well take a shot at it with so much upset and emotion swirling at me.

“You’ve used so much magic and—” Larson tried to argue.

“Yeah, I know. I need to get this out and might as well start getting a feel as to how much this fills it. I need lots of examples if I’m going to do this right and safely.”

“You’re right,” he agreed, Craftsman echoing him.

I followed Larson inside and he took out the much larger reservoir from its custom padding in a fitted box. Honestly, it was wrapped as carefully as an expensive computer or electronics. Smart.

It probably cost way more so yeah, smart to take care of it.

I waited until Craftsman and White were touching it with me and then threw my power into it.

“Just under a third,” Larson declared, giving me a seriously impressed look before cutting his glance to Craftsman.

So his guess was mingling our magics and accepting we were mates—having a magical mate—might be the answer. He wasn’t sexist in the way most warlocks were who would think it had to do something with a man working with me or some bullshit masculine influence.

He wasn’t that stupid to believe that and come around me. Honestly, I liked and respected Larson. I truly did. He was just a bit crotchety and acted like my boss sometimes. He came into that role naturally and he was a bit overbearing because I was a woman without family.

I could handle that. I didn’t even judge him for it.

Giving Neldor more respect than he did me wasn’t even something I cared about. He knew Neldor as the dark prince and in that role. He didn’t me as the light princess, and I couldn’t even wrap my head around it yet.

The only time I had a problem with Larson was when he acted like he should be the final call. He was used to being that for people though, so again, I could forgive it and he had taught me a lot.

In other words, he was worth his being a pain the ass at times. That was better than most.

White finished her first call and snorted, focused on the terrace doors.

I turned in time to see a pissed off Neldor come slopping into the house, not even able to curb my reaction.

“Well, I guess we don’t have to wait long at all for your magic to destroy his by leaps and bounds as he would be doing the same to Copyright 2016 - 2024