Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,17

called a meeting this morning,” she explained.

The light bulb went off over my head and I relaxed some, focusing on Dean White first. “You’re not staying here?”

“No, I am currently the focus of my council and several other ‘important’ magical families. I thought it unwise that I reside here over break and risk any more attention on you,” she explained. “After I ignored the order to mate my previous lover who was more than willing to become a council dog, they realized I could be the lure to catch a bigger fish instead.”

“Oh, because they own you?” I drawled as I sat down at the table.

“Yes, of course,” she chuckled, her sarcasm level matching mine. “Several demands and orders have been issued and the best part is, they aren’t even discussing it with each other anymore. They are all doing their own selfish thing as if dictators and making power grabs. I currently have three orders to mate and ceremonies set I’m required to attend.”

“I have no words,” I whispered, disgusted down to my soul this was the world we lived in. “Well, let me know where you’re registered, and I’ll make sure to get you something.” I bit back a sigh when everyone simply stared at me like that statement made absolutely no sense.

Then pain filled my heart as it hit me Mel wasn’t there to get my humor, and she would have. I swallowed loudly and focused on my hot cocoa.

“It’s a human thing,” I mumbled. “They register at stores for what they want for weddings so everyone doesn’t get them the same typical gift. You go before the invitations are sent out and do a bunch of window shopping for exactly what you want to start your new life and those you invite get the list.”

“That’s really smart,” Izzy muttered, probably understanding why my mood went even darker so fast. She cleared her throat and sat up straighter. “No offense because you’re a great teacher, Doc, but what are you really going to do besides try to get Tamsin to forgive you? If the shit really hits the fan, you’re not a replacement for Mel, and certainly not Dean White.”

“He is actually,” White admitted. “His resume is longer than you know, and he’s shown many times that he’s quick and clearheaded in bad situations. Plus, you have Zack and Ray, along with a few others you didn’t last winter break.” She waited until I looked at her. “I might be more powerful, but he’s quicker on the draw than I am and no slouch. You know this.”

“I do,” I agreed, not willing to lie when we had enough going on.

“Sure, I’m not here or a factor,” Neldor quietly bitched.

I shot him a warning glance not to start trouble. “Like you wouldn’t use any situation to your benefit or to try and lock me in on something I wouldn’t otherwise agree to. We both know it, so don’t even try to deny it. That’s not help. That makes you something I will probably need protection from.”

Zack snorted. “And have.”


“I also want to work with you on a key to your portal, even when locked, in case there’s an emergency,” Instructor Larson interjected, finally jumping in. “And we came up with a plan to get you back on track.”

I nodded, but he wasn’t done.

“Adrian needs his mate, Tamsin.”

“Hey, uncalled for,” Zack snapped. “We do as well, but putting pressure on her isn’t—it won’t fucking help!”

“How do we know?” he challenged, glancing between the two wolves. “I also made a gentleman’s agreement with Prince Neldor that I’m going to do everything I can to get Tamsin to where she needs to be to start freeing people if he starts focusing on opening as much of Faerie as possible in paths.”

“What will that do?” Darby asked, but I had already guessed the answer.

“Let their wolves be able to find their mates,” I whispered, emotionally folding into myself. “I’ll do what I can, I promise.”

“You are,” Ray growled. “If people would stop adding shit to your plate and shoulders, they’d see that you do tons all the time.”

“Agreed,” Larson and White said together, but Larson continued. “We are not denying that. I think you have done amazing, Tamsin. No one could have done what you have and stayed alive—gotten as far as you did on your own. I include Prince Neldor in that. You did amazing. It’s simply time for the kick in the ass that Melody would give you in training Copyright 2016 - 2024