Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,128

into the fold?”

They’d be chum in the water and everyone’s ignorant dog to kick. It would be horrendous and anything would look better than that. I would think any of those people would immediately turn to the Underground as a viable alternative, no matter what they did.

This “society” I stumbled upon a year and a half ago kept getting worse and worse, more like levels of hell and a deep cesspool. I couldn’t even hide my upset that the shit we had to handle was worse than I’d thought.

“I still don’t understand why a vampire councilman would take out a wolf pack and toss them to the Underground?” a fairy asked.

I closed my eyes as tears burned, suppressing the urge to scream when I put it together. I wiped my hands over my face and met the Alpha’s gaze, seeing he had figured it out too. “I’m so sorry, Geoff.”

“It’s our fight too, Tamsin. My pack knew the risks and stood with you.”

“I don’t understand,” Iolas admitted.

“They were going to blame me,” I rasped. “We hired Geoff’s wolves to help protect the havens and facilitate interviewing hobgoblins. The whole thing would have been spun to look as if he had focused on his wolves instead of my stuff and crusades to upset their society I’m not really a part of, the Underground wouldn’t have had a chance to wipe out a strong pack.

“And it was a warning.” I glanced at Brooks. “How would it have hurt your standing and strength as a council if you’d lost one of your biggest packs that brings in the most income? Would you have lost face along with the hurting vampire and warlock elders? You work with me, we get along, and your standing gets hurt. No logic needed, that’s karma for you.”

He opened his mouth but then closed it, shaking his head. “Normally, I would say that is insane, but no one seems to be acting rationally in our world anymore. Yes, losing this pack would have hurt us as a community but… I honestly can’t see how the ripples would have played out. I’m still reeling at the idea a councilman set this all up and orchestrated the slaughter of thousands to smear you.”

“This is bigger than her, Councilman,” Geoff argued. “She’s simply the poster child for the movement, and they need to cut the head off of her to even have a chance to stop it. Women are standing up for themselves. People are calling councils out on their corruption. They’re demanding justice and fairness. Thousands have been killed to stop less.”

“And she saved us with her quick actions and help,” Geoff’s mate said as she hurried towards him.

“How many were lost though?” I seethed.

“We know of a dozen at least,” she admitted as they hugged.

“I’m sorry.”

“How is it your fault?” she asked. She shook her head when I went to answer. “I heard your theory and you might be right, but you killed no one, Tamsin. The people who came here today did. The councilman who set this up did. None of this is on you. Please do not take the honor away from the wolves who fought to keep our pack safe tonight. They died protecting us. That’s theirs. Not yours to bear.”

“I think it’s both,” I rasped, wiping my eyes and crossing my arms over my chest. “But thank you, and I’ll try.”

“Good. And I thank you for grieving our people. You are a true friend to our pack. Your people always treat ours wonderfully. You never demand anything extra on the jobs and always appreciate us. Our pack joined this fight you started the moment you didn’t hesitate to save our injured wolves once before. We saw the woman you were then and that you just want to help everyone.”

Geoff cleared his throat. “And she’s the next queen of Faerie.”

“Oh, well, fuck,” she whispered.

“I say the same fucking thing every time they remind me of it,” I grumbled. I shot Iolas and Taeral a nasty glance. “Come off the swearing thing. Just enough. It’s not going to happen. I’ll burp the alphabet again if you push me.”

“Yes, and it’s lovely you know how to do that,” Iolas drawled.

“Backwards even,” Taeral sighed, glancing at the sky as if praying for patience.

I felt the same about them sometimes. Then I really cursed up a storm. “Neldor is going to chew me out. I forgot him. He’s going to think I intentionally—”

“We informed Prince Neldor of the situation and he Copyright 2016 - 2024