Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,126

people. I was merely making an observation, not a threat.”

“His thoughts say the same,” I promised the others, everyone backing down a bit. I went right to Geoff and shook my head. “You got enough witnesses now, stupid? Like they wouldn’t have believed your word when you can all tell who is lying?”

“Seeing makes all the difference,” he defended as he glanced around. He found someone he wanted. “Call everyone from the Alpha compound and—” A coughing jag interrupted him, his whole body slashed and bloody from whatever had happened to him.

The moment I saw blood fly from his mouth, I ignored his wishes and moved my hand to his arm, pushing a slow stream of strong healing magic into him. I felt the moment he was out of danger and started to pull my magic back, knowing I had a lot left to still do and how resilient shifters were to heal themselves.

Geoff pulled me into a hug and kissed my hair. “Thanks, Tamsin. I was toast without your help, and I just found out I’m to be a father.”

I blinked up at him. “Now I’m really glad I demanded your mate go handle the people we sent to the Alpha compound. I would never have forgiven myself if she had lost your child in this attack.”

He gave me a watery smile. “Yes, because it would have been your fault if it had happened.”

I wasn’t sure what I would have said, but we were interrupted by a fairy pulling me away from Geoff.

“Please remove your hands from our princess,” he said firmly.

Everyone stared at the fairy with wide eyes and for a range of reasons.

Mine was for outing me.

That was the reason of a lot of the wolves and others there, but there was also more too it.

The fairies all stared at him like he’d grown another head because he was a Dark Guardian.

“You are not a dark fairy,” Councilman Brooks hedged, glancing between us. “Though I have a feeling I’d already learned of your birth and you took the memory of it because I’m not as shocked as I should be.”

“That’s a funny story,” I mumbled, wondering if that was going to be my tagline of the night.

The fairy ignored the councilman and focused on all the surrounding fairies staring at him, squaring his shoulders and staring right back. “She made it clear we are all fairies and her people. I agree, and that is a future I will fight for. She is my princess and I care not that she is light or dark. She is the heir of all Faerie and not because she’s the last. She saves all of us and is our leader.”

I patted his chest, interjecting before any issue broke out. “Thanks, mate, really. I appreciate the backup tonight and I’m cool with you too. Let’s handle the piles of issues in front of us and the rest we can figure out tomorrow.” I smirked at him. “And maybe you guys can all get over this crap about how men can’t so much as look at me, like I’m a damn nun. He’s mated, and his mate and I are cool.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” he sighed, scrubbing his hand over his head as if that was a big pill to swallow.

“Seriously, is that so weird?” I grumbled, glaring between Iolas and Taeral. I wasn’t comforted when they shared a look.

But it was Councilman Chin who actually answered.

“The queens of Faerie—and by extension, the heirs—are almost revered as saints to put it in a reference you would understand being raised as human,” he explained. “Not everyone is allowed to simply touch or shake hands with the pope, but kiss the ring. Touching a saint was completely unforgiveable unless they allowed it or to heal. That is the best comparison I can think of for you.”

“He’s not wrong, but it is a bit more complicated,” Iolas muttered. “You are blessed by our gods to rule, Your Highness. You are divinely blessed, treasured, and not to be treated as people normally would.”

I opened my mouth to snark something, but even I knew when to shut my mouth and not shit on people’s beliefs. Well, I tried to. Sometimes it was hard and I didn’t mean to be a jerk. Sometimes I was so deep in the middle of it all, I couldn’t see how it all came off or I was being a brat.

I wasn’t perfect. Who fucking was?

“We can discuss this later, but I appreciate everyone Copyright 2016 - 2024