Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,123

She frowned and closed her laptop, bringing everything we needed to the floor so we could have a picnic. “What’s wrong? You had a big win.”

“We did. I do a lot of this for us, Izzy,” I muttered, playing with my fries. “I know I don’t talk it all out and Zack’s right that I’m a bull in a china shop, but this is for us. It’s not about me and my fight. I know I blew my temper, but it was for all of us who have been treated like this. It was as much for you and every woman we care about that—”

“Tams, I know,” she whispered, reaching over and patting my arm. “I know, Tams. We all do. This isn’t about you being righteous up on your pedestal. It’s never been about that to you. You don’t do this shit for the attention or to hear yourself speak, yell the loudest. You would be happiest reading journals or beating up bad guys instead of making a huge splashy statement like that.

“You went because you could. You could take on that asshole and win. You could go up against them and make the statement the rest of us can’t. Anyone paying attention understands that about you and sees the layers to you. Just because you don’t sing it from the rooftops or list it always like a bio, it’s right there to see. If people take the time, it’s all right there and they love you for it.

“I love you for it. I love you for taking up the fights I can’t. I love you for being my friend and coming here and making sure I knew you were fighting for me too. I love you because I know you will cry tonight because you hurt that man, no matter how much he deserved it. I love you because you risked yourself by putting it all on the line to make the statement none of us have the guts to. You were awesome.”

“Thanks, Izzy,” I rasped, leaning in and kissing her forehead. “Thanks.”

“Let’s eat. Cold fries suck.”

“Yeah, yeah they do.”

We gobbled it all up—mostly, I did—and I felt worlds better getting to talk to her about it all. Not because she praised me, but the reassurance she understood what I was doing. I knew it could come off as my crusade to be awesome or a hero, but it was about so much more than that.

But she was right that all the signs were there if people took the time to see that.

The problem was that some people wouldn’t or didn’t have the depth to peel back the layers of the onion. Maybe they were stuck in their own head or way, unable to see the path before them to help others?

Maybe some people were just assholes.

Yeah, probably that.


I thought I was done with any crazy for the quarter. We reached review week and I was sailing through everything, not even worried a little bit about finals. I genuinely thought I was ready to close the book on another part of my time at Artemis.

But it wasn’t done with me yet.

I was journaling another letter to my mother she would never read, finding it as emotionally helpful and soothing as Craftsman had said. Not because I thought I’d ever find the answers like Katrina had hinted, but because it helped me focus my mind from spinning out when it all overwhelmed me. But it was supposed to be an easy night.

Silly me for ever thinking I got those.

My phone vibrated on my desk the same time that Izzy, Lucca, and Darby’s did. We glanced at each other and then all dove for them at once, knowing something was seriously up.

I reached mine first, answering Zack’s call. “Yeah?”

“Alpha Geoff’s pack is under attack,” he blurted. “Wolves of his that work for you and guarding the havens are asking permission to leave their posts and give aid.”

I only needed two seconds to come to a decision, thinking about what happened with Carson Leisser and the lingering threats of those assholes who wanted to find the havens and shut them down. “No, call the Rothchilds and Silvas to see if they can send reinforcements to the havens in case this is a trap.”

He sucked in a harsh breath. “The wolves go and the havens are easier to take. Shit. Fuck! The attack is real and has to be bad. Geoff wouldn’t sound the alarm—”

“Geoff will get aid, Zack. I got this. Copyright 2016 - 2024