Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,117

have a day a month we spoil you, kitten, but I’m not sure we can top this every month. We’re only mere men.”

“Fair enough. But I can get stuffed like this?”

“Of course your mind goes to the food,” Hudson grumbled, pulling the first one closer. “Yes, we’ll make sure you get a day of buffet and nummies.” He waited until I was moaning with my first bite before moving in closer. “But we’re going to spend all night stuffing you with other things besides food.”

I took another few bites before smiling brightly at them. “I get sex toys as a present too?”

The list of names they called me as they cursed and adjusted how they stood was amusing. And two ice cream-filled cotton candy burritos that large was too much sugar even for me. I was practically bouncing all over the kitchen.

Luckily, they had several plans on how to use all that energy.

And they involved sore muscles, lots of moaning, and the need for healing runes afterwards.

My favorite kinds of plans. Valentine’s Day was worth the wait if it involved them.


The win with getting all the hobgoblins out of Africa was huge. Alpha Berman was oddly quiet about the whole thing and we knew why. He’d “acquired” crystals of mine “illegally” and paid a hefty sum for them. He thought he’d fooled us all and was sitting pretty to get what he needed to keep his people safe, looking the hero.

For the next few years at least. So, he basically told them it was the cost to keep their castles safe and let us have the win while his contact stayed in my camp and kept smuggling out crystals.

All while we were intentionally selling them to the asshole so we could have complete access to their security when the time came. Sometimes, I almost felt sorry for the assholes when they were so damn egotistical, they couldn’t see how stupid they were being.

What did shock me was that some people actually had the balls to report the thefts of what was taken, even making up bullshit paper trails of how they’d legally acquired it. Some were real and it gave us everything to go after bad people later.

But all the royals and those who had helped were ready, giving the brush-off and statements to the press that they should check their own houses. It was amusing to see how fast it got turned around when the hint that guards so lacking in morals as to help estates holding hobgoblins as slaves would steal during the chaos.

Ignoring the fact that those families were the ones giving the orders. So there was internal fighting and a lot of everything blowing up. It was great, and I wasn’t the only one sitting back and wanting popcorn to watch it unfold.

What wasn’t great was the next wave of them demanding women get back to their places and all of this turmoil in the supe world was because women were stupid enough to believe they should have any sort of equality or freedom. People were doubling down on that and pushing harder, as if thinking that was the only way to put the stopper back on the progress being made.

It wouldn’t, but it was making my eye twitch more and more from stress and the need to beat the shit out of some people.


Okay, a fuck ton.

I was so going to end up in jail.

I hit my limit just over a week after my belated Valentine’s Day celebration. I finished classes for the day to find some of the most pompous master’s students gathered around, listening to one of the biggest windbags give another interview. They all looked at me with smirks, and the timing worked out I’d had my telepathy on, so I heard everything they were thinking.

All their bile.

All their bluster.

Their absolute concrete beliefs the their side would win and women would get shoved back into corners to be quiet, into kitchens to cook their meals, and pop out their sons like we were bitches to birth their pups and nothing more. More and more were coming to their side, as no one had the balls to step up and fight against sense and knew the truth was being spoken.

It was simply a matter of time before all of us wild women were handled and the havens were found and shut down, as they should be. And all of those women given back to their husbands and the men of their families, as Copyright 2016 - 2024