Reaching Answers (Artemis University #8) - Erin R Flynn Page 0,101

but now and again, my men could get the win of making me have a porn-type orgasm.

I’d give them much more than a bit of embarrassment on my part.

He brought me again before finishing but apparently, I wasn’t finished with him.

“Again,” I demanded.

“Really?” he asked, gasping for air and not hiding his shock. He shook his head when I nodded. “We have to get going before someone comes looking for us.”

“Fuck me again or we won’t have sex like this for a while,” I threatened, both of us knowing I wouldn’t carry out that threat now that the passion was back between us.

A slow smirk crept on his lips. “I’m gonna bend ya over something and drill ya hard if ya gonna be a brat with me, agra.”

“Fuck me then, feed me more, or I’m gonna get really hangry with ya, my sexy Irishman,” I teased in my best Irish accent.

Apparently, it wasn’t half bad, or it was horrible, and my teasing still turned him on because moments later, I was bent over the teacher’s desk having my world rocked by my boyfriend. Going to hell apparently had a few perks.

As long as I was involved.

A sentiment Darby agreed with and said the moment we finished. I laughed so hard I couldn’t even stand or clean up. It took me several minutes to calm down and explain he’d said exactly what I’d been thinking, and then he was just as amused.

What wasn’t amusing—but also not unexpected—was the group waiting for us at the main office when we went to sign out and return our badges. I didn’t wait for the normal bluster and bullshit, finding Claudia in the group and going right on the offensive.

“Thank you for coming so quickly. I need a police report filed as a student assaulted me while I was here and wouldn’t let me go after both of us warned him. I had to forcibly remove his hand from my body.”

“You broke my son’s hand and—” a man started.

I gave him a bored look. “He’s lucky I didn’t break his arm and face. He clearly was about to do the same to me for the way I disrespected him by telling him no when he assumed I was no one. You should be teaching your son manners and vital necessities, like self-preservation, as he’s stupid and so entitled, he’s crass by human standards.

“It’s disgusting and uncouth that I’m disappointed he attends this fine school. I’ll make sure I mention to Headmaster Edelman that I don’t think he’s Artemis material, and several other of our fine colleges could do without such an uncivilized and ill-behaved boy. He goes out in the real world, and his actions could land him in human jail and risk all of our society.”

“Why, you stupid little bitch,” he seethed as he reached through the group of people for me.

“Clearly, we can see where he gets his lack of self-preservation,” Claudia drawled. “And also, his trashy behavior.”

“Touch me and I will break you,” I warned the man as he reached me. “I don’t care how archaic and behind the humans you’ve been allowed to behave towards women, but I don’t put up with that shit. It’s not only ridiculous, but it risks all of us.” I ignored his bluster and focused on Claudia. “It will be a lot of hours, but I want your interns or junior associates to interview every female student here.”

She raised an eyebrow at that. “To what end?”

“I want to know who else that little shit has put his hands on like he’s entitled to any and every woman he wants. I want to know how bad this rape and abuse culture runs. And I want to know if there’s another option for the ten-year celibacy rune. If there is not, I want to set up a research fund with a million dollar prize for the one who creates a two-year rune.”

Her eyes flashed shock. “Why?”

“Because that’s going to be the new punishment given by the councils to anyone who rapes their people. It’s disgusting it’s not already. This world has magic, but it’s not magical or better at all. People simply use their power for more corruption and to get away with more crimes. If they want to keep playing that way, so will I. I simply have more power than they do.”

I winked at her and grabbed Darby’s hand, thanking the principal for the lovely time and tour. I ignored the man trying to “put me Copyright 2016 - 2024