Raven s Strike - By Patricia Briggs Page 0,26

found you," he said. "I found you before Lehr."

She touched his shoulder lightly. "You did at that. Is everyone all right?"

He nodded and fell into step with her. "Hennea sent us out. She said it should be safe to find you now. She said if someone didn't, Papa was going to undo all the good she managed to do for his knees by coming out here himself."

Seraph remembered the troll's fist closing around Tier's legs. "Is he all right?"

Jes nodded. "He grumbled about his knees, so they must be fine."

Seraph smiled. "So they must." If he'd been really hurt, not a word would have crossed his lips. "And Rinnie?"

"She's asleep next to Papa, who's singing with Ciro. She has a bump on her head and a bruise on her shoulder about this big - " Jes held his hands apart to show how big, and Seraph hoped he was exaggerating, though that wasn't one of Jes's faults.

"Lehr was jealous of her," he said. "He said he'd never had a bruise that big. I have though. Remember the time I fell off the barn? That was a bigger bruise than Rinnie's."

"I hope none of us ever gets a bruise that big again."

Jes nodded. "Me, too. Here comes Lehr. I found her first, Lehr. I'll see you at home." Jes slipped off in the darkness, leaving Seraph alone with Lehr.

"Once I quit trying to track you and began to follow the sound of Jes's voice you weren't hard to find. Jes is happy to be home," said Lehr. "You look tired, Mother. Are you all right?"

Seraph nodded. "Fine. Just a little worn, I'm not used to handling so much magic. Jes said your father and Rinnie aren't hurt much?"

"They're fine - just a bit bruised and battered," agreed Lehr, and something inside of Seraph relaxed. "Ciro made Papa tell everyone the story of what happened while we were gone."

Ciro, the tanner's father, had been a close friend of Tier's grandfather, and had helped Tier learn to love music. Not that Tier had needed much encouragement.

"Ciro said he was going to make Papa's story into a song. Then they got in a contest to see who'd come up with the funniest verses." He turned his attention to the rough ground they were walking on for a moment, then said, "They've been having trouble here for the past few weeks. The troll was the worst of it, but there've been goblins and other things."

"The forest king found me while I was trying to get rid of the troll's death magic," said Seraph. "He told me the wizard-priest, Volis, had done something to call the servants of the shadow. Hennea and I must have missed that while we were going through the temple. Karadoc stopped the summoning, but he was hurt." She glanced at her son.

Lehr nodded. "He's staying in the house right now." He cleared his throat. "He's been staying in your room. Papa said to leave him there tonight. He looks pretty bad, pale and bruised, but they carried him out for the music, so he can't be as bad as he looks."

Seraph was tired, her clothes were wet, and she'd been looking forward to sleeping in her own bed. "Karadoc's not a young man anymore. If he's hurt, he'd better stay in our bed until they move back to town - which shouldn't be too long. The forest king told me Karadoc helped destroy the rune that summoned the tainted beasts here. The troll should be the end of it. I'd imagine tomorrow or the next day they'll all be back in Redern." She hoped.

"Jes will be glad to hear that," said Lehr. "He took one look at Aunt Alinath and hid behind Hennea."

"She took care of Rinnie for us," said Seraph, and stumbled over a branch she hadn't seen.

Lehr took her arm. "I know. But she's never known how to treat Jes."

"She wouldn't have been so bad if Jes hadn't gone out of his way to be at his worst with her."

Lehr snorted. "Papa says the same of Aunt Alinath and you."

There was a small gathering of people in front of the house, where someone had lit a small bonfire despite the damp. Tier, one knee tightly bound and stretched out in front of him, was playing the lute he'd brought back from Taela. Rinnie was wrapped up in a blanket and had fallen asleep with her head on Tier's unbound knee.

Ciro had a small drum out, and he and Tier

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