Raven s Shadow - By Patricia Briggs Page 0,99

do you know that Tier is alive?" asked Alinath.

"Because they took him to use his magic," replied Hennea. "They can't use it with him dead - not this soon."

"Liar," said Alinath, rising to her feet. "My brother had no magic."

From his position on the floor, Bandor reached up and took his wife's hand. "Yes," he said. "Yes, he did."

Alinath froze, staring at the hand she held. At last she sank down again.

"Do you know where they took him?" asked Karadoc when it became apparent Alinath wasn't going to say anything further.

"To Taela," answered Hennea. "To the imperial palace at Taela."

"Before we leave here, Hennea and I will search the temple to make sure there's nothing left that could hurt anyone," said Seraph tiredly. They'd find all the Order stones, too. She glanced at Volis, but his hands were bare. Hennea must have already taken the rings Volis had worn.

"We'll go look for Papa tomorrow?" asked Lehr.

Seraph considered it. "The day after. We'll have to pack for the trip."

"If you leave, the Sept's steward will take away your land rights," observed Alinath.

"No," replied Karadoc. "He won't. He'd never get anyone else to farm that close to the mountains. I'll have a talk with him myself."
Chapter 11
Early the next morning, Alinath came to call. Seraph had already sent the boys and Rinnie out to the barn to sort through the tools and harness for things that they would need on their travel. Hennea was still asleep in the loft.

"I didn't know how soon you were going," said Alinath, in a sideways apology for the hour of her call. "I brought this." She set down a large basket of journey bread on the table. "We made it yesterday so it should last you a month or more if you need it." She hadn't met Seraph's eyes since she came in.

"How is Bandor?" asked Seraph.

"Almost himself again, though he doesn't remember much," said Alinath, at last looking up. "Thank you for giving him back to me."

"I'm glad you came," Seraph said after they'd both taken a seat on the kitchen bench, which was pulled away from its customary place at the table. "Otherwise I would have come to you. The trip to Taela is a long one, and getting Tier back might be dangerous. I hate to take Rinnie on a journey like that. Would you watch her for me?"

"Of course," Alinath said after a moment of shock. "Of course I will. There's plenty of space - she can have Tier's old room."

"Thank you," smiled Seraph. "I told her that Bandor would not be feeling well for a while and you needed her help. Give her something to do so she doesn't think I'm a liar."

"I'll do that," said Alinath. "Karadoc wanted me to tell you that the other Elders were happy with his story. All except Willon, who saw Bandor carrying Rinnie up to the temple. But Willon agreed to keep the real story quiet."

Alinath reached into a large pouch she carried and brought out several pieces of folded parchment. "Willon sent these. Maps, he said. And Seraph" - Alinath set a bag of coins on the table - "these are from the bakery's accounts. Use them as you need to - I'd like to have Tier back also."

Seraph took the coins. "Thank you. I won't deny that these will make the journey easier."

"I'll come tomorrow morning about this time," said Alinath, getting up briskly. "To get Rinnie, and to see you safely on your way."

"Thank you, Alinath," said Seraph.

Alinath stopped at the doorway and turned back. "No, Seraph. Thank you. I appreciate your trust, especially after..."

"He had no choice," said Seraph. "Remember that. Even shadowed, Bandor believed he was saving Rinnie."

The next morning was cold and the sun a pale line against the mountain as they adjusted the packs on Skew. Gura whined at Seraph from his self-appointed guard post by the packs still to be loaded.

"Fool dog," Seraph said, not unkindly. "You're coming, too."

"But not me," said Rinnie from the porch.

"I need you to take care of your aunt and uncle for me," said Seraph. "Aunt Alinath would like nothing better than to drop everything and come with us, but she needs to take care of Bandor and the bakery." She took a deep breath, "And I need you safe. Please."

Rinnie stared at her hard. "All right," she said. "I'll stay."

Seraph, Hennea, Jes, and Lehr set out for Taela before the sun was full up while Alinath and Rinnie watched from

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