Raven s Shadow - By Patricia Briggs Page 0,88

too. But no one ever said they would play any instrument just because they could."

It wasn't Myrceria, but one of the Passerines, who ran up with the lute from Tier's cell. Tier took up the battered lute and sat on the edge of the stage, one long leg hanging over the edge. He'd only had her a night, but the lute felt like an old friend as he cradled her and coaxed her back into tune, again.

"Now," he said, "What kind of song should it be?" He played a rippling series of scales so quickly it was hard to pick out the individual notes. "No," he shook his head, "No one except another musician would like that." He tightened a peg again to bring a string back into pitch. He'd have to watch that one, he thought, probably a new string.

"War songs sound stupid on a lute," he said, picking enough of a familiar melody out that a few heads began to nod, "at least they sound stupid without a drum."

"Play 'Shadow's Fall'," said someone over the suggestions in the crowd.

Tier shook his head. It'd be a while before he used that story again. "No, everyone knows that. What about a love ballad?" He struck a few chords of a particularly flowery piece and laughed at the groans from the audience.

"Fine," he said, "Try this one for size." And he began the song he'd intended to sing from the very first.

It was a wickedly funny story of a lowborn killer who, on impulse, stole the clothes of a rich young man he'd been paid to kill and set himself up as a nobleman. Tier smiled to himself as he saw that the young men in the audience enjoyed rude double meanings and clever wording as much as the soldiers he'd fought with.

The lute, for all that it was battered, was easily the finest he'd ever played. Responsive and clear-toned, it sang out, complementing his voice and lending just the right accent to the words.

He started into the third verse, the crowd silent, muffling their laughter so that they wouldn't miss a word. Even with such a fine instrument, it was difficult to get the volume he needed before this many people. With his encouragement, they joined in the final chorus, making the stage vibrate with the sheer volume.

He ended it with a flourish. He could sense the wizards moving forward, but he decided to end the performance without them.

"Now," he said with a deliberately engaging grin. "Come join me for the feast and drink or two - and I'll do my best to be entertaining." Lute in hand, he jumped off the high stage, away from the wizards, and led the horde to an invasion of the bar in the back of the room.
Chapter 10
It was almost dark when Jes got back to the farm.

Gura greeted him from the porch and Jes ruffled his fingers through the wiry hair. The Guardian had been demanding today; Jes was tired and his head hurt. He tried not noticing that there was something wrong because he didn't know if he could keep the Guardian under control this time if there was.

Rinnie hadn't come out when Gura barked.

The Guardian also knew he was tired, and he was willing to wait until they knew for certain. So it was Jes who walked to the back of the cabin and saw that Rinnie had done a few hours' worth of work before putting her tools away where they belonged.

Had Rinnie grown impatient and set out after Mother and Lehr? He didn't think so, especially since she'd left Gura here. He followed Mother and Lehr's tracks to the woods, but he couldn't see anything that indicated Rinnie had come here today. The ground around the cabin was too packed-down for him to follow a trail there.

Reluctantly he gave way to the Guardian.

He shouldn't have stayed so long watching the new temple, thought the Guardian unhappily. But he'd never seen anything like the taint that spread from the temple through Redern. He'd been worried about Hennea; the forest king had made him responsible for her safety, and there was nothing safe about the temple. The geas that bound her made it impossible for him to stop her from going in, but he'd stayed and fretted over it until Jes had convinced him that Mother would know what to do about it.

In wolf form, the Guardian looked for Rinnie's scent along the edge of the forest, but Jes had

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