Raven s Shadow - By Patricia Briggs Page 0,84

was contained. He'd thought that Telleridge had meant that they'd taken his magic away - but perhaps it was more subtle than that.

"Would you tell me a lie?" he asked Phoran.

"My stallion is cow-hocked," he said immediately, apparently unfazed by the abrupt change in subject. "What are you doing?"

"Well," said Tier. "I misunderstood what Telleridge meant when he said they had contained my magic. I can tell if you lie - but not Telleridge or Myrceria."

"Your magic works, but not on the members of the Path," Phoran said.

"So it seems."

"I have two more requests before I go," said Phoran. "First, I ask that you not tell anyone about the Memory." He gave Tier another bleak smile. "It's more than a social problem for me, you know. If a whisper of the Memory got out I'd face a headsman's axe. The Empire cannot forget the lessons learned from the Shadowed: the Emperor must be free of magic."

"Without your permission, no one will hear it from my lips," promised Tier.

"Would you see if you can find out if your Sept, Avar the Sept of Leheigh, is a member of the Secret Path?" He sighed. "Telleridge is... a spider who avoids the light of day while he spins his webs and sends his friends and foes whirling in deadly earnest, unaware whose threads pull them this way and that. If he is involved with the Secret Path, then they are a threat to me and vice versa. I need to know who I can trust."

"If I can discover it," Tier agreed, then gave his emperor a wry grin. "Since I don't have any choice about staying, I might as well make myself useful."

He slept for a while after Phoran left. He had no idea how long because his cell allowed for no daylight, just the endless glow of the stones that lit his room.

Longing for home brought him to his feet. Frustration sent him pacing. He hadn't been able to ask if Phoran could get a message to Seraph. His tongue wouldn't shape the words.

By Cormorant and Owl, I bind you that you will not ask anyone to help you escape... Seraph would help him escape if she could. He supposed that was enough to invoke Telleridge's magic.

If Seraph knew where to find him... but she did not. She probably thought him dead after all this time.

He probably would die without seeing her again: there was something in the arrogance of Telleridge that told Tier that many Travelers had died here.

Tier closed his eyes and rested his face against the cool stone wall. Without the distraction of sight, he could pull her into his heart's thoughts. Owl memory, she called it, when he was able to recall conversations held months before. Gifted, his grandfather said, when he could sing a song after the first time he'd heard it. Blessed, he thought now, visualizing the pale-faced child Seraph had been the first time he'd seen her. Blessed to have his memories to keep in his heart in this place.

In his mind's eye, he built her face as it had been, little by little, loving the curve of her shoulder and the odd pale color of her hair.

Proud, he thought, she had been so proud. It was in the stubborn set of her chin, raised in defiance of the men in that tavern. He could see the bruise on her wrist where the innkeeper had grabbed her and yanked her out of bed.

He'd been intrigued by her then, he thought as he had before. In the clear light of his memory he could see how young she'd been, little more than a child, and yet they'd been married less than a season later.

Eschewing the luxuries his cell now offered, Tier sat on the floor and set his back against the wall. He remembered the very moment that he knew he loved her.

Two days after Jes was born, Tier came back from the barn to find Seraph sitting on the end of the bed, back straight as a board, with Jes held protectively in her arms.

"I have something to say to you," she said, as welcoming as an angry hedgehog.

He took off his coat and hung it up. "All right," he'd said, wondering how he'd managed to offend her this time.

Her eyes narrowed, she told him that their son was a Guardian. She explained how difficult Jes would find it to maintain a balance between daytime and nighttime personalities.

"If he were a girl, he would stand

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