Raven s Shadow - By Patricia Briggs Page 0,53

holding up her wrist.

Seraph closed the distance between them and set her hands on either side of the leather and bead bracelet. "Solsenti wizardry," she said shortly. "A geas?"

Hennea nodded. "Yes."

Seraph knew of only one wizard anywhere near Redern. "Volis the priest has bound you to his service?"

Hennea smiled faintly. "Yes."

He'd been hiding her then. Seraph had not the slightest doubt that if any of the villagers knew that there was another Traveler in the vicinity they would have told her so.

"I can help you rid yourself of this." Seraph didn't know the exact method, but she was confident it would be in one of Isolda's books: wizards of Isolda's time had been fond of binding others to their services. Any spell that could break a spell woven by the Colossae wizards could be adapted to sever the bonds of a solsenti wizard without too much trouble.

"No," said Hennea, curling her hand into a fist. "Not yet. When the time comes I will rid myself of it."

"Jes said the forest king told him that she went directly from Redern to the place where Father was killed. From there, he thought that she was trying to reach us," Lehr's voice was neutral.

"Ah," said Seraph, narrowing her eyes at the other woman. "Why don't you tell me more about yourself, Hennea, Raven of Rivilain Moon-Haired?"

"Thank you," said Hennea, who appeared to have been waiting for Seraph's invitation. "I am no Owl, so I ask that you bear with my tale as I tell it. Two years ago I and my lover, who was a Raven and my student, were taken by solsenti wizards who bound us with Raven magics."

How could solsenti bind with Raven magic? Hennea paused as if she expected Seraph to ask, but Seraph seldom interrupted. Doubtless it was a question to be addressed later in Hennea's story.

When Seraph said nothing, Hennea continued. "We were taken to some sort of stronghold where these wizards - there were six of them and some greater number of lesser wizardlings, performed a ritual of magic upon me."

She stopped again, but Seraph didn' t think it had anything to do with her audience. It looked more as if she were fighting the memory's hold; her hands were clenched at her side and sweat gathered on her forehead. Jes stepped forward and set a hand on Hennea's shoulder, the unexpected action telling Seraph that the Guardian had accepted Hennea.

"Are the details of the spell important now?" asked Seraph more gently than she'd first intended.

"Not now," said Hennea. "Only that their magic failed. They blamed the failure on one wizard who had not done the spell before - Volis. They coached him, and tried three more times. After the last time they conceded that the spell had been performed perfectly, but that something about the way it had been misworked the first time had rendered me an unfit subject. So they took Moselm, he who was my student."

She was breathing heavier now, and Seraph saw her blink hard. "I didn't even notice at first - I was too wrapped up in my own pain - but then he began screaming and screaming."

She closed her eyes briefly, as if that could shut out the sound. With her eyes closed, Hennea looked very young; Seraph had thought her ten years older than Jes, but she wasn't so certain now.

"When they finished with him," Hennea said, "they took him out of the room, still screaming. I never saw him again. I didn't even know what their spell casting did because I was too raw from what they had done to me."

She gave Seraph a bitter smile. "These wizards were as confident as if they had come fresh from Colossae. They talked of killing me, as I was no good for their purposes, but the young wizard - Volis, who is the priest of their twisted religion here - asked if he might keep me to see if he could discover what he had done. So they let him bind me with this" - she held up her wrist - "and made me his plaything."

"I accused them of arrogance," she said. "But I was arrogant, too. I could have broken free of this geas - it might hold a solsenti wizard or even a Traveler who was not Raven, but as you have seen, it will not hold a Raven long. But they presented a puzzle to me. How had solsenti wizards worked Raven magic? Even more worrisome, I didn't

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