The Raven Four Books 1-3 - Jessica Sorensen Page 0,142

at him and see remorse consuming him.

“We didn’t know for sure that it was you until barely. We weren’t playing you.”

I feel this strange warmth swelling in my chest. I don’t know where it stems from or why it appears now. And I don’t get time to analyze it, because the music playing suddenly stops and is filled by banging and breaking windows.

“We need to get to a better room.” Jax strides forward, heading to who knows where—this house is just a maze.

Zay mumbles something under his breath then hurries after him.

I stand where I am, unsure if I want to follow them or not.

“Come on, sweetheart; you’ll be safer with us.” Hunter offers me a comforting smile and his hand.

Every bone in my body wants to turn and run the other way, but as more banging and the sounds of windows shattering fill the air, I reach out and place my hand in his.

“I’ll never hurt you, Raven.”

Relief washes over Hunter’s features as he clutches my hand. Then he starts down the hallway in the direction Zay and Jax took off in, taking long strides and towing me with him. We say nothing, moving quickly and nervously, and while I’m not sure what’s about to happen, I can feel that it’s going to be bad.

And those fears are confirmed as we pass by a room with an open door. That’s when I see why it sounds like all the windows are breaking. Because they are, and people dressed in hoodies with X’s carved into their foreheads are climbing through them.

My feet slow to an almost stop as shock whips through me. “Holy shit—”

Hunter yanks on my arm as he starts to run. I move with him, my boots scuffing against the floor.

“Shit, shit, shit,” Hunter mumbles as he veers right then left.

I’m about to ask him where we’re going when Jax and Zay come into view. They’re standing in the middle of the hallway and are being surrounded by the people in hoodies.

“Fuck,” Hunter says as he grinds to a halt just behind Zay and Jax, who are backing up toward us, because it’s the only open exit.

But then more hooded figures pour in from behind us until the four of us are surrounded. They’re armed with knives, that much I can see now, and they have masks pulled up over their mouths so all I can see are their eyes and the X’s carved into their foreheads.

I remember these guys from my memories. Although, I’m not sure if they’re actually human.

I swallow hard at that realization.

If they’re not human, then what are they?

“Well, I guess we’re not hiding then,” Zay mumbles as he clutches the handle of his knife and eyes the men.

Jax stands with his back to Zay, his knife poised in front of him. “No, I guess we’re not. The question now is: do we go down with a fight or just surrender?”

Zay rolls his eyes. “Why would you even ask that?”

Jax shrugs, his gaze flicking to me. “Circumstances are different right now. And I know you can’t remember everything, but I’m starting to, and I—”

“I am, too,” Zay cuts him off, his muscles wound up into knots as he eyes the figures, which weirdly aren’t really doing anything except watching us.

Zay and Jax glance at Hunter, who gives a subtle nod. “I am, as well.” Hunter grazes his finger against the back of my hand. “She is, too, so I really doubt it’s a coincidence. It’s got to be the song. I mean, Zay’s therapist once suggested that there may be a trigger for him. The song could be it, right?”

Zay looks at Jax, who rubs his lips together. None of them say anything. They just stand there, doing nothing while these figures close in on us.

“Um, I hate to break up you guys’ little eureka moment, but shouldn’t you be more concerned about the creepy X men.” As I became aware of what I just said, I add, “Well, not like the X-Men. I mean, like these dudes with X’s on their foreheads. You know, who are surrounding us with knives in their hands and …” I trail off as Hunter looks at me with a hint of amusement. Jax, though, is staring at me with that indecipherable expression that he’s so fond of, and Zay is gaping at me like I’ve gone crazy. And honestly, at this point, I sort of agree with him.

“We know you didn’t mean the actual X-Men,” Jax tells Copyright 2016 - 2024