Telltale Kisses(7)

"Not even a little bit. Are you?" I straddled him, breaking open his vest so I could touch his taut chest. I undid the string on his trousers and was about to remove them when Ryden flew toward me, her hands covering her eyes.

"I can't see what's going on, I swear, but," she cleared her throat. "The King and Queen of the fairies, and their court, are coming this way."

I growled, standing, gnashing my teeth against my need. "I hate interruptions!" This was a stroke of luck though. "Ryden, would you please request an audience with the King and Queen? Gabriel and I will wait here for their response."

"You got it." She flew off.

I realized Snow White hadn't said anything while I kissed Gabriel, hadn't said anything since she yelled at me before Envy died. I knew she still dwelled within my mind. I sensed her.

Are you not talking to me? I asked, stomping around the grassy meadow, flapping my wings sporadically, and trying to reclaim my sanity.

I don't see a point, she responded in a sulky voice.

I guess that's true. We're almost done. I'm sure you heard fairies are nearby. I'll take a heart, and then I'll return home to collect what I need from a vampire and a Hunter.

You don't know anything.

Well then tell me. What do I need to know? I waited for a response, but none came.

"You know I'm always happy to see you, Gabriel. But Ryden said you had news. Why are you here?"

"Not news, just information. Sharra is worried you're doing something against her. She wanted me to check on you, your whereabouts. She wanted to make sure you were... 'well' was the word she used."

I sidled up to him, rubbing my hand up and down his thigh. "I won't be 'well' until I've had my fill of you in every way."

"Yes, my Queen."

Something felt off about Gabriel. He seemed less willing, less excited. Or maybe it was just all I'd been through the past few days. Not to mention the human girl dwelling in my head. I had no doubt that was making a difference as well. I wanted to ask him about it, knowing one word from him would alleviate my fears, but the fairies came into view before I had a chance.

The fairy King and Queen listened to my plea, and provided me with a heart without incident. They truly were the most giving of the magical creatures.

... "Ever been let down by those you care about most? I have. Recently. I believed something I did to be honorable. A good thing. And it is... was... is. But Professor Pops and my brothers don't think so.

"It's so frustrating. I expected them to be supportive, but they said what I did is no better than the Vampire Queen. I don't know what to believe anymore. The other chayot, including Holden and Jaycee, agree I did the right thing by killing the Hunter. They're almost too willing to please though. Their opinion, while appreciated, doesn't mean as much to me as Professor Pops. Dammit!

"Snow, there's something else Professor Pops and my brother's aren't happy about. I... I'm dating Cindy. I don't love her the way I loved you, but she has become important to me. I thought you should know.

"Heathcliff, Daniel, Bart, and, well all of the guys, think I should kiss you. They believe if you receive a kiss from your true love, you'll wake. Once I thought maybe I was that guy. Not anymore though. Still, I'm willing to try. It hurts to see you this way. So... I'm going to kiss you."

Chapter 6

After the King and Queen and their court continued toward their destination, Ryden, Gabriel, and I made good time getting home. We arrived at the castle swiftly, and parted ways. Ryden said she needed to get cleaned up. I wanted to do that as well. It'd been too long since I bathed. Gabriel went to report to Sharra that I'd been found and all was well.

When I entered my room two male humans greeted me. Neither wore clothing on their top half, and their trousers hung low on their hips.

"Well kept humans," I muttered, taking my fill of them. No doubt they were a gift from my sister, and I didn't want to hurt her feelings. I'd be doing more than that soon enough-when I proved to her once and for all I was and would always remain ruler of the vampires-when I possessed the power of all magics inside the gem Abernathy gave me. That would be soon. I still needed the essence of a vampire, and the blood of a Hunter.

I wondered if I would have to slay my sister to retrieve her essence. I knew it couldn't be just any vampire. I also pondered which Hunter I would need to obtain blood from.

When I was done with the humans, I sent them away, and had my servants bathe me. Stepping from the water, they wrapped me in thick fabrics, rubbing my furry skin dry. Once they were finished, I went to my favorite golden chair, allowing my servants to brush and groom.

Zenny, the little imp Abernathy created for Sharra and I when we were young peeked at me from one side of the oval, gilded mirror hanging on the wall. His lemon yellow hair swirled like frosting over his head.

"Hello, Zenny. Have you missed me?"

He gave a deep bow and I hid a laugh behind a hand. His plaid and bright colored clothing always provoked my amusement. "Of course. Did you do anything fun while you were away?"

I thought about all that occurred since I went to see the dragon. "I wouldn't use the word 'fun,' but it's been interesting."