Masquerade's Moon(6)

Like a woman, I thought.

"The mask will be arriving later this afternoon. I'll have one of the boys bring it over," Professor Pops said, choked up.

I turned to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He shook his head, clearing his throat. "I am honored to know you, Snow White." He bowed, and my heart lurched.

Why did he do that? The words from the Vampire Queen filtered through my mind. She'd said he wanted her power. I still had so much to learn.

I touched his shoulder. "Thank you for everything. I'm so glad to know you." Heat rose in my cheeks.

He straightened and walked to the door. "Always a pleasure." He seemed sad, but before I could ask him why he added, "I'll see you tonight." Then he left.

I turned back to the mirror. Dark half-circles, like crescent bruises, made my blue eyes appear haunted. My short hair was a mess. The dress was beautiful, but I needed work.

I needed Cindy.

Chapter 5

I called Cindy on my regular phone because my dad and stepmother decided I wasn't mature enough to have a cell. Sure I'd lost the dang thing after only a month. It hadn't been my fault. I'd been in a blood-induced haze, caused by my belief that I killed Gabe. I shouldn't be held accountable for my actions. The problem was I couldn't explain any of it to them. My dad, and especially my stepmother wouldn't understand that I'd been so far gone they only existed in a deep recess of my mind-that I only remembered them on the rare occasion when I wasn't completely drunk on human blood.

"Happy birthday, Snow," Cindy shouted as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Thanks," I answered, plopping on the couch and flipping on the TV. Gatsby climbed next to me, and yowled, rubbing his head against my thigh. I needed to feed him. Rising, I went to get his kibble.

"Are you stoked about your party tonight?" Cindy's voice hitched.

"Um, yes. I am. It's just," I hesitated.

"You have no idea what to do with your hair and don't know the first thing about makeup," she finished for me.

I laughed, pushing away any doubts I had about our friendship. We hadn't talked about her magic, or lack thereof, since I'd been back. I hadn't really had a chance to hang out with her. Between training with the brothers, Professor Pops, and Kenmei, reading up on supernatural creatures, making out with Gabe, and catching up on the two weeks of school I missed, I hadn't had time. Professor Pops was right about one thing though, homework was easy, and I finished within the first week of being back. "Yes," I sighed. "Can you help?"

"Does Abercrombie go with Fitch?


"Never mind. I'll be there in twenty minutes."

Letting out a huge breath in relief, I said, "Cool. See ya."

I clicked off the phone and filled Gatsby water dish. "Well kitty, I need a shower." I ran to the stairs and was halfway up when the phone rang.

"Bring over your dress," I said, thinking it was Cindy.

"What? Snow, is that you?" It was my dad.

"Oh, hi Dad. Sorry, I thought you were Cindy. She's coming over to help me get ready for my party." As I spoke I climbed the stairs, went into my bathroom and pulled out a clean towel, then turned on the water so it could warm up.

"That's nice." He paused and inhaled. Then in a totally fake perky voice, he said, "Happy birthday, Snow Angel. Wish I was there."

A lump formed in my throat. Did he really? I sure needed him. "Thanks, Dad. I wish you were here too."

He exhaled. "We should be there for Christmas." Then in a sharper tone he added, "You know what. I will be there for Christmas. Promise." I had a feeling his words defied my stepmother's wishes. If she had anything to do with it they'd be in Paris, or Italy. Anywhere but with me.

"That's awesome. Can't wait." The lump thickened. I wanted to believe he would come, no matter what. That I was important enough for him, but past experience told me it wasn't true.