The Rancher and the Event Planner - By Cheryl Gorman Page 0,62

You should practice what you preach. And just for the record, no one is in a marriage alone. There is fault on both sides. So whatever happened between you and Caroline it wasn’t all your fault.”

“Are you finished?”

She looked at him, feeling her heart trying to push its way out of her chest. He looked good and mad which was fine with her. She’d done all she could to win him over to her side and failed. So be it. “Yes, I’m definitely finished.”

A slice of the sun’s orange fire seemed to pause on the horizon, and a flash of heat lightning shimmered in the distance. “Good because we’d better get back.”

* * *

After dinner, Molly said, “JC, are you ready to help me wash Lucy?”

She grasped Molly’s hand. “I’m ready.” Without looking at Rafe she and Molly headed for the barn. They brought the white pony out to a concrete pad built along the west side of the barn with a hot and cold water spigot. JC helped Molly regulate the water to a comfortable temperature, then poured some shampoo into a bucket and filled it with water. They rubbed the soapy water over the pony from head to hoof then gave her mane and tail a good scrubbing.

Molly picked up the hose and slopped water over the pony’s white coat. Sudsy rivulets of water trickled down the pony’s sides and onto the concrete pad. Some of the water sloshed on JC as well but she didn’t jump out of the way. “Guess I need a wash, too.”

Molly laughed. “Oops, sorry. You always look pretty, JC.”

JC scooped some suds in her hand and blew them into Molly’s face. “You always look pretty too, especially with soap bubbles on your face.”

Molly giggled and wiped away the suds. “JC, I’m so glad you’re staying in Salvation.”

JC forced a smile she didn’t feel. She’d come over to tell Molly that she was leaving town. She should do it now and get it over, but Molly was so happy at the moment she didn’t have the heart to wreck her evening.

Once Lucy was thoroughly rinsed, Molly showed JC how to use the sweat scrape to remove the excess water before rubbing a thick towel over Lucy’s back.

JC ran a comb through the pony’s mane as a kaleidoscope of family dinners, dancing at the Round Up, and kissing Molly goodnight flashed through her mind. Molly and Rafe were the family she dreamed of but never had. In caring for Molly, she had put her own heart at risk by allowing herself to fall in love with not only Rafe and Molly, but a whole family.

A few minutes later, they settled Lucy back in her stall. JC straightened the pony’s summer sheet and secured a strap beneath the horse’s belly. Quiet filled the barn except for the occasional whicker from one of the horses and Lucy munching hay. Molly patted Lucy, and gave her a kiss on her soft muzzle then grasped JC’s hand. She looked up at JC and curled her index finger in a come hither motion. JC leaned down close. Molly kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you for helping me.”

“You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

“That pony smells better than a bunch of Texas Bluebells.”

Molly giggled. “Daddy, you’re so silly.”

Yearning consumed JC at the sound of Rafe’s voice.

Rafe slid the stall door open and JC and Molly stepped out onto the alleyway. Wisps of hair stuck to JC’s neck, various stains decorated the front of her t-shirt and bits of hay and dirt clung to her sneakers.

Molly yawned and leaned against her father as they walked out of the barn and into the dusky evening. “Tired, punkin?” Rafe said. Molly nodded. “Run inside and I’ll be there in a minute.”

Molly looked at JC. “Will you read me a story before you leave?”

“I’d love to.”

As soon as the back door closed, Rafe stopped for a moment and turned. His blue eyes glimmered in the evening’s half-light, his lips curved upward. “Thanks for helping Molly.”

“No thanks needed. It was entirely my pleasure.”

A few minutes later, JC sat next to Molly’s bed reading her a story. Rafe leaned against the door jamb, the lamp casting a soft glow about the pale pink room. Dixie lay on the bed beside Molly, her white head resting on Molly’s legs.

“The princess ran down the stairs into the prince’s arms and they lived happily ever after.”

JC glanced at Molly. Her eyes were closed, her lashes soft as a butterfly’s wings on her Copyright 2016 - 2024