The Rancher and the Event Planner - By Cheryl Gorman Page 0,50

opening of the show and he had agreed. A band stand and dance floor had been erected along the midway along with some refreshment stands. She’d hired an up and coming local band. The owner of the hardware store had donated the lumber and other electrical supplies not to mention his time to build a dance floor complete with lights and a stage for the band. Everyone had rallied to help her make this the best night it could be and she was more grateful for their kindnesses than they would ever know.

Two large trucks and multiple trailers belonging to the Harlan Wild West Show pulled into the parking lot. The truck’s big tires rolled over the dirt and gravel stirring up a cloud of dust before the trucks stopped with a squeak of brakes and a metallic groan.

JC checked her watch. Thank goodness. The owner had phoned and said he might be late because they had engine trouble, but she didn’t expect them to be this late. They had a little over an hour before the show was set to begin.

Some of the performers in the Wild West show climbed from the vehicles, looked around with a tired and worn out expression and headed for a booth near the dance floor selling burritos, rather than getting to work on the show’s set up.

Shocked, JC walked over to speak to them. “Aren’t you going to start setting up?”

One man said, “We’ve got miles of road behind us and we’d like to get something to eat first.”

“The show is supposed to begin in a little over an hour. Couldn’t you eat later? I’ve already paid you a deposit,” she said. She knew her words sounded harsh, but tonight had to be a success.

“We’ll be ready in time, don’t worry.” He wiped his sleeve over his mouth, tossed the remains of the burrito he was eating into a trash receptacle and walked away.

“You should try and be a little nicer or those people might walk out on you. And their deposit be damned.”

At the sound of Rafe’s voice, her whole body tingled down to her toes, while inwardly she gave a high five. After composing herself, she turned around. He was dressed in black down to his boots. “I was just trying to make a point, because I’m an event planner and it’s my job to make sure everything goes without a hitch. And by the way, I’m always nice to my vendors as long as they do their job.”

Rafe pushed the hat back on his head and he stepped closer. She fought the nearly overwhelming urge to hold him and kiss him senseless. “If you don’t add a little honey to the mix, you might end up with more than just a hitch tonight.”

JC folded her arms over her chest to put more distance between them. “Are you saying you never need to have a heart-to-heart with your hands on the ranch? Does everything on The Rocking M always run perfectly?”

“Not a damn thing runs perfectly on a ranch, but I don’t let things chap my hide because problems come with running any business. I’m just saying—”

A full smile played around his mouth and his eyes twinkled—which only infuriated her more.

“I know what you’re saying, but I have things under control. Just let me do my job my way.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He tipped his hat. “I need to see a man about a horse.” She watched him walk away, his long legs striding smoothly over the ground.

Love and fury sparked inside her like a jar full of fire flies. He didn’t know zip about event planning and he had the gall to tell her how to do her job. She didn’t give him orders or advice on how to run the ranch or the town. Why did Rafe McCord get her so tangled up every time she was near him? She already knew the answer. She had fallen stupidly in love with him. She looked around. Where was Molly? She hoped she wasn’t sick. No, if Molly was sick, Rafe would be at home. In her mind, she saw him sitting at Molly’s bedside, feeding her chicken broth and ice chips.

She glanced back in Rafe’s direction and started after him to enquire about Molly, but he rounded the corner of the barn and disappeared from view.

“Hi, JC.”

JC waved at Cade and Ryn. “Hi, thanks for coming.”

They continued toward the fairground arena hand in hand. She wondered if there was romance in the Copyright 2016 - 2024