The Rancher and the Event Planner - By Cheryl Gorman Page 0,45

his toned pectorals. Every time she was near him she fought for breath because the man sucked oxygen from the air with his presence.

“No, just a minor hitch. I’ll take care of it.” She glanced away to give herself a moment to steady her thumping heart and regain her breath. A myriad of voices and laughter echoed around the park and everywhere she looked people seemed to be having a good time. The news crew was chatting with a group of people by the wine tasting table while a camera man filmed the event. She focused her attention back on Rafe. “Enjoying yourself?”

“Yeah. I took Molly over to check out the balloon, but the owner and crew have adiosed the site.”

Her gaze darted to the hot air balloon tethered to the ground, the owner and crew was nowhere in sight. Oh, no, where were they? Kids and adults stood around peering inside the basket. “I’ve got to find them. See you later,” she said moving around him.

His fingers gently grasped her arm, the warmth searing its way through her bare skin down to her bones. “Need some help?”

She looked up into Rafe’s eyes, shining with sincerity. He really wanted to help and she was beyond grateful. “Sure, that would be great. Thanks.”

Rafe went in one direction and JC in the other. JC passed the face painting booth, the concession stands and the wine tasting area but didn’t see the crew’s red shirts with the company logo.


JC rushed over to Rafe standing outside the tent. He gestured toward the back.

Slouching around one of the tables, the owner and his crew slurped beer. Half-full pitchers and empty plastic cups littered the top of the table. One of the men belched loudly and the others cracked up laughing. The owner started to sing The Yellow Rose of Texas in an out of tune slurred voice.

Booze messed up everything. Despite this belief she had organized the wine tasting to promote area vintners and to help the town. She knew deep inside that not everyone who imbibed in beer or wine drank to excess, but she couldn’t stop the anger and revulsion from stinging her veins as she marched to the table. Her father’s addiction to the bottle had ruined his life and those around him namely her and her mother and now, today of all days. “Mr. Shaunessy, you’re drunk,” she said in a loud voice.

Looking at her bleary eyed, a comical expression spread over the man’s face. “I am at that.” He burst into laughter and his crew followed.

Frustration boiled up inside JC. “What about the balloon rides? What am I supposed to do now?”

He held up one finger. “Don’t worry. I’ll be right there as soon as I finish this beer.”

JC closed her eyes and exhaled. “Mr. Shaunessy, unless you can get another crew here you can’t fly the balloon drunk. As soon as you sober up, I’d like all of you to take your equipment and leave.”

The man frowned. “Hey, it’s just a few beers.”

JC whipped around to leave and bumped solidly into Rafe. She had to try to salvage what was left of the day. First, she needed to implement plan B, but she had no idea what plan B was. “Excuse me.”

* * *

Watching JC disappear into the crowd, Rafe stepped from the relative cool of the tent and tossed his half-full cup of beer into one of the trash receptacles. He needed to go after her and offer his help and he knew it had more to do with just this event being a success for the town. He hated seeing disappointment in her eyes. He wanted to put a smile back on her face. He saw Molly’s teacher pushing her on one of the park swings and headed in their direction.

“Rafe.” He turned and saw his brother walking toward him, dressed in jeans and a short sleeved shirt. The new hat he wore shaded his face from the broiling sun. “I just saw Jennifer and she looked madder than a calf with a barbed wire tail. I called to her but she kept going. Did you say something to piss her off?”

Rafe’s mouth popped open. “Me? Why do you think it was me?”

“Because a blind-folded bull rider caught up in a stampede could see that girl has fallen head over saddle for you.”

Rafe snorted but inside his heart bumped against his ribs. She couldn’t have fallen for him. Could she? “Jennifer was upset because the balloon owner Copyright 2016 - 2024