The Rancher and the Event Planner - By Cheryl Gorman Page 0,24

over his face and exhaled a deep breath. “You weren’t kidding when you said you played dirty.”

A corner of her mouth rose as she stared at him with heat burning in her eyes. “You kissed me, cowboy, and if I wasn’t mistaken and I’m not, you enjoyed it.” She bunched the front of his shirt in her hand, pulled his face near and whispered, “Which proves a little dirt never hurt anybody.”


JC picked up her car from the Stop and Go then spent the rest of the afternoon hand delivering pictures of new lamp posts to all of the council members and business owners for approval then arranging with the Salvation Nursery to make the hanging baskets and setting up a work schedule for the first part of the renovation plan to be completed. The business owners would begin painting their store fronts the next day and JC offered to help. She hoped to convince Rafe to offer his painting skills as well.

She’d had to force herself to concentrate on the tasks at hand rather than the sizzling kiss she shared with Rafe earlier in the day. They’d both taken a good long lick of the other and sexual attraction had arced between them like a downed power line on a stormy night. She bet people could see it all the way to Dallas. Satisfaction bloomed inside her as she pulled her car off the highway and over the cattle guard onto the Rocking M.

The last thing on her to-do list for today was to talk to Cade to make sure they were on the same page where Rafe was concerned. She found him at his cabin checking out the repairs. “Hey, how is everything going?”

Cade turned and smiled. “I should be able to move back in a few days.”

“Great.” JC pushed her hands into the front pockets of her shorts and scuffed the toe of one sandal on the ground.

Cade raised a brow. “What’s on your mind?”

She smiled back at him. “What makes you think there’s something on my mind?”

“Come on, I know you really well.”

She inclined her head. “Okay, I’ve decided to go for it where Rafe is concerned and I’d like your support.”

He pressed his mouth into a hard line. “Damn it, he promised he’d keep his hands to himself.”

“Yeah, he told me. But we amended things a bit.” She told him about their mutual challenge.

Concern clouded his eyes. “The last time I saw that look you had hooked up with Dave and announced you were getting married. We both know how that turned out.”

“I know, but this is different.”

He sat on the steps of the cabin and rested his arms on his jean-clad thighs. “It’s not that different. Rafe is my best friend, but he has a bad history with female relationships. You’ve got a bad case of lust for him and you can’t see the train wreck waiting for you at the end of it.” He exhaled a breath. “I know you’re a grown woman capable of making up your own mind, but I think you should take a step back and think first before you jump into anything.”

She laid a hand on his arm. “Thank you for playing the knight and coming to my rescue but I’m tired of being alone. I’ve cared for Rafe my whole life and I have to find out once and for all if we have a future together and I’d like your blessing.”

He looked at her. “Do you need my blessing?”

“No, but I’d like it all the same.”

He reached out a hand and she took his. “Steady on, okay?”

She smiled. “Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing and what I could be in for.”

“And Rafe’ll be in for the beating of his life if he hurts you.”

* * *

“Pass the cornbread, Daddy.”

Rafe passed the basket of golden buttery cornbread to his daughter who took a large square and bit into it. “Eat up, chipmunk,” he teased.

Molly giggled around a mouthful of cornbread, her eyes filled with love as she gazed at her father.

Rafe winked at her and tapped the tip of her nose with his finger. “I think your giggle box turned over.”

His remark only made Molly laugh more. Hearing her laugh lifted JC’s heart.

“Okay, punkin ,” Rafe said, “Settle down. You don’t want to choke.”

Molly finished chewing the cornbread and took a gulp from her glass of milk. She licked her lips. “Don’t worry, I won’t.”

JC took another bite of the hardy stew and let the flavors Copyright 2016 - 2024