The Rancher and the Event Planner - By Cheryl Gorman Page 0,10

time to rein in his lusty responses to Jennifer.

“I’m glad you like it, JC. It’s my mom’s recipe.”

Jennifer spooned up another bite of dessert and made a groaning sound deep in her throat. “The peaches are so sweet and juicy.”

Sweet and juicy. Her words made his skin hot. The light fixture over the large maple table cast a soft light enhancing her cheek bones, whiskey colored eyes and lips. She’d changed out of her suit and put on jeans and a white tank top. A golden heart on a big, linked chain nestled in the valley between her breasts. Each time she made the slightest move, the front of her top opened a little, giving him a peek-a-boo glimpse of the slopes of her breasts.

Under the table he curled one hand around his knee and squeezed to distract him from the way she licked her lips. She’d pulled her hair back in a ponytail and a few blonde wisps tickled her slender neck, where the skin appeared soft and touchable. Yearning, encased in a deep, peaceful exhale, spread through Rafe’s chest, a kind of longing he’d never experienced before with any woman and it scared the bejeezus out of him. Deep inside, in the most secret place in his heart, he knew he should squash these feelings before they had a chance to take root because the last woman he wanted to put at risk to his emotional blunders was Jennifer.

“They’re Texas grown,” Linc said.

“Peaches are my favorite,” added Molly.

His too, now that he’d witnessed Jennifer closing her lips around them.

The minutes crawled past slower than a snail climbing a slick log, as he watched Jennifer devour the cobbler. Finally, she consumed the last bite and laid down her spoon.

Sweet relief gushed through him. Hallelujah, the meal was over but his torture had only just begun. She would be living here for an entire month. Jennifer had grown into a sexy, attractive and successful woman. It was only natural he’d feel this way especially after having been in her company an entire day. At least that’s what he told himself as he watched her take a sip of wine and smile at his daughter.

They were going to be working closely together which meant she’d be in his life for the foreseeable future which wouldn’t help his unwelcome attraction toward her. He would just have to make sure their relationship stayed on a business level and didn’t stray into something personal. In thirty days she would leave Salvation and go back to her life and he would get back to his.

While Jennifer was talking with Molly, Linc winked at him. His stomach clenched and irritation two-stepped down his spine. Whenever his brother gave him the secret wink, he knew disaster was galloping down the pike at break-neck speed and there was little he could do to stop it. Rafe almost imperceptibly shook his head and mouthed ‘no’ trying desperately to discourage Linc from playing whatever game he had in mind. Ever since Linc realized Rafe was attracted to Jennifer, he knew he was in trouble because his brother was like a starving coyote fighting over scraps when he sunk his teeth into something.

He’d attempted to rope and tie him into a relationship barely a year after Caroline’s car accident. A woman was the last thing Rafe wanted or needed in his life right now. He and Molly were doing fine.

“JC, would you like to take a look at the ranch? Things have changed since the last time you were here,” Linc said.

Her eyes lit up. “I’d love to.”

“Great, Rafe will show you around while Molly and I clean up.”

Rafe sent his brother what he hoped was a death glare but Linc only smiled and gave him back an innocent look. He would kill his brother later.

When they stepped on the back porch, the sun, a bright orange ball glowing behind a swath of clouds, lounged on the horizon. The piercing rays washed the ranch and Jennifer’s hair in golden, late day sunlight. The thunderstorm that hit earlier had left the air heavy with humidity but dropped the scorching temperature down to tolerable. The light glinted on Jennifer’s blonde strands and illuminated her skin. A light breeze blew her honey and vanilla scent past his nose. Without even thinking about it, he inhaled her feminine aroma deep into his lungs. Suddenly, she closed her eyes and tilted her face toward the sun with a contented smile on her lips. His heart nearly Copyright 2016 - 2024