Rake: A Dark Boston Irish Mafia Romance (The Carneys Book 1) - Sophie Austin Page 0,34

parental edge to his voice that makes Finn shrink in a way I’ve never seen before. He shakes it off in seconds, smiling graciously at the doctor as he walks me out.

“I need to make a quick stop before I drop you off.”

What’s one more delay? I don’t want to stay with Finn, but I don’t want to go back to my house either. I don’t want him to know that, though. Still, I nod in assent.

He throws the car into gear and starts down Beacon Street.



We drive mostly in silence. The doctor no doubt asked Sasha if I’d been the one to hurt her. She wouldn’t have to lie, because I hadn’t, at least not directly. Besides, while I’ve been in my share of fights, I’ve never laid my hands on a woman.

Still, the look on Dr. Smith’s face when he’d brought her back out made me feel something I didn’t want to own up to.

Something that would make me beat the bloody hell out of P.J. now if he made threats against Sasha in front of me. Damnit, I need to get back in control.

This is not going the way I hoped it would. Sasha’s loyalty to the casino staff was clearly going to be hard to overcome, but I genuinely thought her loyalty to her brother would supplant that. What can I do in the face of ethics like that?

I planned on taking her home anyway—I’d kept her at my place with the intention of forcing closeness so I could find her weaknesses and get her to trust me enough to go with my plans. I’d found her weaknesses and I even think she trusts me. Something I don’t feel great about, to be honest—I don’t deserve that trust—but she won’t even give up one name.

And I hate how I admire that. How jealous I am of the people she’d die to protect.

But I’d meant what I said to Sasha. It’s not her protection I want, and I certainly don’t want her pity. I’ll find a different way to get what I want, by making the staff believe we’re working together. Or that we’re fucking. Whichever suits their narrative better.

If they think someone with morals as strong as Sasha can be corrupted, they’ll be less inclined to keep fighting.

I don’t want her to lose her reputation of integrity, but I don’t want her to die, either. Unethical decisions are sometimes necessary if the outcome is worth it.

I glance at Sasha as I pull in front of the Athenaeum. I don’t want to hurt her. That forced closeness impacted me more than I’d intended. Liking Sasha or admiring her wasn’t part of the plan.

And I didn’t expect to be so fucking attracted to her. When did she become more than just a means to an end for me?

But my personal feelings are irrelevant. There’s more at stake here than that. And Sasha will be able to move on once this is over. She’s resilient. She’s had to be. I’ll find a way to make it up to her once the union is struck down, even if it has to be behind the scenes.

There’s an open house at the Athenaeum. There’ll be all kinds of people there. People who will see us together.

“I have to return this book,” I say, pulling a small volume out of my pocket. “Have you ever been inside?”

She shakes her head.

“Come on,” I say. “It’s one of my favorite places.”

“I’m not dressed for a place like that,” she says quietly.

“It’s just a library.”

“No it isn’t.”

Okay, she’s right.

“Please?” I ask. “I’d like to show it to you.”

She doesn’t want to and I understand why. But that doesn’t matter. I walk to her door and open it up.

“It’ll be a quick trip,” I say.

She presses her full lips together.

“Sasha,” I say, “if you stand out, it won’t be for the reasons you think. You’re genuine, and sure you’re not wearing the latest fashion from New York but it’s more about how you carry yourself than what you’re wearing.”

“Finn, I’m on crutches. I’m wearing the same clothes I had on when your dad’s goon grabbed me on Friday. And you look like, well, that.” She gestures at me broadly. “How am I supposed to carry myself? Especially next to you?”

I give her my best smile. “Like the beautiful woman you are.”

She rolls her eyes. Jesus she’s a tough one. But I mean what I’m saying.

“I’m telling you the truth. You’re beautiful. Expensive clothes can make anyone look

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