Raiden (The Kent Brothers #2) - A.M. Hargrove Page 0,81

we’ll make a trade. You heard me. An eye for an eye. Oh, and Sinead, this offer won’t stand for long.” The line went dead.

She handed me back the phone. “Call in your team. I know his secrets and this time I’ll give you everything you need, in exchange for making sure my daughter lives.”


I went to inform the others.

Drex flew to his feet. “You did what?”

“It worked so calm down. She wants everyone downstairs because she’s giving up the facts this time. I heard their conversation. The phone was on speaker. It wasn’t an act.”

“And you know this how?” Drex asked.

“I told her I gave Aisling cyanide, and she didn’t have long to live.”

At first, it stunned everyone into silence, then one by one, they chuckled. I didn’t find it funny, though.

“Stop it. My brother is in danger and if we don’t act quickly, he may end up in the same boat Acer did.”

The laughter came to a screeching halt.

“Come on. Let’s hear what she has to say,” Acer said.

“Huff, grab your computer,” Drex said as we traipsed downstairs.

Sinead stood where I left her. When everyone positioned themselves, I said, “Talk.”

Huff opened his computer and was ready.

“I told the truth about New York, except the place is in Lake Placid.”

Bingo. We were right on that one.

“But that’s not where he’d hide your brother. It’s too far. He may be there, but his men would’ve taken him someplace closer to us,” she said.


“I can’t tell you that without knowing where we are.”

“The Colorado mountains,” I said. Aiden knew it, so why shouldn’t she?

Huff stepped in then. “How would we find him here?”

She chewed on her lip for a second. “I told you before I have information on him because I hired someone to hack into his accounts. That’s true. I can give you the login information and send you to the correct files. I’m not sure if he’ll have anything on Colorado.”

“It’s worth a try,” I said. “Huff?”

“What is it?”

She gave him the details, and he accessed the files. As he did, she asked, “Since I’m cooperating, can you make sure my daughter is okay?”

“Scottie, can you handle that?” I asked. Scottie nodded and left the room. I backed away from the crowded area and sent her a text, telling her to Google the antidote for cyanide. She sent me some laughing emojis. About a half hour later, she returned.

“Aisling wanted you to have this.” Scottie handed Sinead a chocolate chip cookie.

“Is she okay?”

“She is. We’ve given her the antidote with no side effects.”

“Thank you.”

A twinge of guilt socked me in the gut. I caused her major anxiety, and Aisling was upstairs watching movies the entire time. But it benefited us, and that was immeasurable. Sinead cooperated, and maybe she saw what a horrible man her father was. I took a chance and asked, “Sinead, what happened to your mother?”

A sorrowful expression coated her features. “She was killed while we were eating in a restaurant. A man walked by and shot her in the head. I was twelve when it happened.”

Christ, what type of man allowed this to happen and kept doing this kind of business? He was deranged.

“What happened after that?” I asked.

“My father sent me back to Ireland where I stayed until I went to college in the states. Boston. I met Aisling’s father there. We kept our relationship secret. Or so I thought. Dad found out about it and sent me back to Belfast. Aisling was born, but I wanted to return to Boston so Michael and I could resume our lives together as a family. I kept calling him, but he never returned my calls. I was so damn naïve. I figured Dad had gotten to him, warning him to stay away. It was far worse. Two years later, I found out that Michael was dead. Hunters discovered his body in a shallow grave. Their dogs dug it up. That’s when I knew exactly how lethal my father was, and I’d never have a life of my own. So I hired the computer geek to hack into his accounts. He’s been doing it every six months since, just so I can keep up with Dad’s business. I had to have something on him when I made my move to leave.”

“You were basically a prisoner,” I said.

“Yes, I was. I had his security team twenty-four seven. I wasn’t able to leave the house without them. They reported on everything I did. I read about it in his Copyright 2016 - 2024