Raiden (The Kent Brothers #2) - A.M. Hargrove Page 0,77

against the side of the bed, the sensation was exquisite. My nipples sent shock waves of electricity through me every time he pushed inside me.

My inner muscles began to pulsate, and then I was there, experiencing a grand orgasm. He followed me a few seconds later, kissing my shoulder and nuzzling my neck. I loved when he did this. It was so sweet and somehow made it feel even more special.

“Scottie, that was… amazing, exactly like you.”

“How do you know the right thing to say every time?”

“I only say what’s on my mind.”

“I adore your mind then.”

He pulled out and disappeared into the bathroom. When he came back, he carried a towel for me. This was also a sweet gesture. After, we crawled onto the bed.

“I, uh, have to tell you something,” he began.


“It’s not bad, so no need to be alarmed.”

The tension in my muscles eased. “Go on.”

“I am deeply in love with you, to the point I constantly think about you.”

My hand reached for his as a huge grin spread across my face. “I know.”

“You know?”

“Well, sort of. It’s the way you speak to me and, well, the things you’ve been saying. I kind of gathered it.”

He tilted his head and asked, “Well?”

“Raiden, you must know I feel the same way.”

“I didn’t, but I’d love for you to say it.”

“Raiden Kent, this girl is madly in love with you.”

His tongue poked the inside of his cheek.

“That’s it?” I asked.

“No. I’m thinking.”

“About what?”

Then he dropped a bomb. “Marry me, Scottie Sullivan. Marry me and become my permanent partner in life. I want to travel the road of life with you.”

My jaw hit the mattress as my mouth formed a huge O. He wanted to marry me? Wow, this was a shocker.

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Yes, was the answer I’d hoped for.”

“Y-yes, I’ll marry you. I have one condition. We wait until this Aiden O’Brien thing is over. When you and I tie the knot, I want it to be the happiest time possible, with no black clouds shadowing us.”

“I agree.”

“One other thing. Let’s keep this to ourselves. We have a genuine issue facing us and that is where the hell is Cruze? We can’t expect anyone to be happy for us with him missing.”

“I’m in agreement with you. I wasn’t planning on making some big announcement. And on that note, we need to get our asses back downstairs to help search for him.”

“Right. I feel guilty as hell now.” I shook my head. “How the fuck did this even happen?”

“We trusted the staff, that’s how.”

He was right. That wouldn’t be the case any longer. From this point forward, the only people I trusted were family, Drex, Gem, and Huff.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


The idea of being married to Scottie was a dream. I’d never given marriage a passing thought before meeting her. She had changed all of that. I now had visions of coming home from work, to a wife and family. Maybe I should discuss the family part with her first. If she didn’t want children, that was fine. She’d been through a traumatic time with her daughter and having another child might be unbearable for her. I’d let her decide on that.

For now, we needed to concentrate on getting Cruze back. The others were in the living area when we rejoined them.

“Where have you two been?” Acer asked, anger lacing his words. “We’ve been trying to come up with solutions and you two have what? Been having a good time together somewhere?”

“Acer!” Isla said, touching his hand. “You’re upset and it’s understandable, but shouting won’t help.”

“No, but maybe their input would.”

Scottie still stood next to me and asked, “Any word from Aiden?”

Gem shook her head. “Huff is still trying to locate him.”

“What about those locations Sinead gave us?” I asked.

“We’ve sent three teams out to investigate them and are waiting to hear. If you ask me, they’re bogus,” Drex said.

“How far away are they?” I wanted to know.

“One is in upstate New York, one is in western Pennsylvania, and the third is in Maine. He stuck to the east coast, if they’re genuine hideouts. I doubt he’s there though.”

I silently agreed. Why would his daughter give him up so easily? Then I asked, “Hey Isla, you’re a mother. If Olivia’s life were threatened, would you give up your father, if you were close to him?”

“That’s a tough one to answer, because I’m not. I can say I’d do anything to keep my daughter safe, including give up my life.” Copyright 2016 - 2024