The Ragged Man - By Tom Lloyd Page 0,94

of, and Shim the Bastard is a mage-killer, probably our best chance to deal with Aracnan. Daken plans on tying him to a stick and keeping him out front.’

Doranei sighed. ‘And then there’s Daken, the Mad Axe,’ he added.

‘Aye, and her that comes with him,’ Veil said darkly.

‘Daken and I have been speaking about that,’ Osh interjected. ‘Litania is a fickle bitch, to use Daken’s term. She comes out to play when she feels like it, and she causes havoc whenever she does. We cannot have her with us in the Ruby Tower; it’s just as likely she’ll be the death of us as she will any sort of help.’

‘So your suggestion is?’ Doranei asked, knowing he wasn’t going to like the answer.

‘Daken asks her to provide the diversion.’ Osh raised a hand, seeing Doranei open his mouth to argue. ‘We keep one of the king’s mages back in case all she does is swamp the district in butterflies or something of the like — you’ll want one in reserve anyway, to cover your retreat.’

‘But to willingly let the Trickster loose in a city?’ Veil asked, aghast. ‘You’ve no idea what destruction she could wreak!’

‘Do we have a choice?’

Neither of the Brothers replied. Doranei looked towards the upper levels of the Ruby Tower, visible above the rooflines. Veil continued to stare at Osh, trying to think of an argument against the proposal. He closed his mouth again when Doranei gave him a slap on the arm and pointed at the street opposite.

‘Look, what’s that all about?’

The cobbled street had a smoother patch just as it reached the crossroads, where Aracnan’s magic had somehow fused the cobbles together. It led from Eight Towers district, the widest and quickest route from the Ruby Tower through the city, and walking down it now was a group of a dozen men and women, some wearing white, some dressed entirely in white. Many carried long walking staffs, and all bore some sort of pack on their back.

‘They’re dressed for travel,’ Veil pointed out, peering forward.

‘Missionaries,’ Osh concluded with a grave face. ‘The word’s being spread beyond Byora.’

‘Piss and daemons,’ Doranei growled, pushing his wine aside and shoving a hunk of bread in his pocket. ‘As soon as they pass we go to look at the ground around the Ruby Tower. If they’re starting the next phase of their plan we need to stop it, and soon. I want Ilumene and the child dead by Prayerday.’


Over the darkest hours Doranei’s élite company gathered by fits and bursts. Men and women in small, subdued groups appeared out of the mist at the door of a warehouse adjoining the minor gate between Coin, Byora’s financial district, and Breakale. At night Breakale was the quieter of the two — all Byora’s upscale gambling dens were located in Coin, well away from the disapproving clerics of Hale and the gangsters of Burn.

When he arrived Doranei found most of the company already assembled, but unlike the rest of the King’s Men he was unable to sit quietly. He prowled the warehouse, running the plan and escape route through his mind again and again, looking for flaws. The warehouse was crucial to their escape, providing a useful bridge between streets that were not quickly accessed otherwise — certainly not now a cart stood in the alley alongside the warehouse, waiting to block the remaining space.

He ascended the narrow staircase that led to a room above the rear entrance, from where Doranei could see the street and the gate into Coin. The gate was shut at this hour, of course, but since the warehouse was close enough to the wall for a nimble man to jump, that wouldn’t be the case for long. Once in Coin a second gate — guarded by Menin troops most likely — would let them into Eight Towers, and to the gate of the Ruby Tower itself.

‘More obstacles than I’d like,’ Doranei commented softly when Veil joined him. ‘This could go badly wrong, my friend.’

‘Aye, that it could,’ Veil said, looking unconcerned, ‘but that’s the way of it. On the other side of the coin we’ve got Cerdin-blessed thieves, mages and a fair amount of brawn, if it comes to that.’

The slim man was dressed in black from head to foot, unlike most of his comrades. They were going to make their way to the Ruby Tower as quietly as possible, with Veil leading the way until the alarm was raised, at which point Coran and Daken Copyright 2016 - 2024