The Ragged Man - By Tom Lloyd Page 0,75

forward with his scarred left hand and grabbed at the air, drawing the white shield back to his body. As it reached him the magic expanded and became a swirling ball of blistering energy. He planted his feet and threw the ball forward, where it exploded on the dragon’s chest. The impact drove it upright, its one good wing spreading to steady it. It was the opportunity Styrax had been waiting for, and he was already moving.

He threw himself forward in a blaze of magic and lunged with his fanged sword. The points bit and drove deep between the scales of the dragon’s forelimbs. The dragon howled and raked down, an explosion of emerald fire and sparks obscuring them for a moment before it cleared.

Styrax was still standing. He cut left and right, severing one clawed toe entirely, and the dragon slammed its head down, unmindful of the risk, and sideswiped Styrax before he could reverse his sword, knocking the Menin lord from his feet.

General Gaur saw the danger and tried to buy Styrax time, throwing his huge axe so the dragon had to dodge instead of readying itself for the killing blow. The beast warrior hurled himself aside to avoid the dragon’s lashing tail that crashed down a moment later.

Ilumene blinked. Styrax was up again, rising higher than any normal man could and hacking at the dragon’s neck. Through a mist of blood and magic Styrax struck again, then cut upwards with a reverse-blow. The injury didn’t seem to slow the dragon, but this time its attempt to gore Styrax was parried and he caught it a glancing blow on the jaw before it pulled back.

Shapes appeared around Styrax’s head, too fast for Ilumene to make out before they exploded in white sparks. In response Styrax cut a circle in the air, a trail of golden light spinning and coalescing in its wake. The dragon lashed down, gripping the ring with its claws to rip it away. Somehow it held long enough for Styrax to duck underneath and cut upwards at the dragon’s stunted dew-claw.

The dragon jerked back immediately, forelimb curling protectively inwards, and Styrax moved closer, sword swinging across his body to fend off its other set of claws. It lunged down at him again with its horns, only to be smashed aside with a sudden flare of magic that opened up its defences. Styrax immediately hacked deep into its massive jaw, putting his full weight into the blow.

The beast reeled and as it pulled back Styrax swung up in another long loop. A golden arc appeared above the dragon’s head, yanking it down as he tugged at the air with his left hand. The head came back into range and Styrax roared with triumph as he hacked into its throat with all his unnatural strength.

Not trusting that to be the killing blow he struck again and again while the golden tether held it, but still somehow the beast strained and burst through the restraint. Styrax grabbed a handful of empty air and pulled himself higher off the ground to chop again at the dragon’s long neck. He was forced to twist in midair and barely avoided the lunging jaws.

He grabbed the dragon’s horns for leverage and somehow hauled himself up so he could slam Kobra’s double-tip into its throat, thrusting up with the huge broadsword as he dragged down on the horn. Surrounded by a glittering corona of magic Styrax forced the head down below his body and hacked into the wound as hard as he could.

Dragon head and white-eye fell to the ground together. Styrax was up in a flash to cut again at the beast, but Ilumene could see it was unnecessary. The dragon’s huge body convulsed and spasmed briefly, then slumped still.

It was dead, but Styrax didn’t stop, slashing at the corpse with all the fury of an enraged white-eye, with all the passion of a man grieving. When finally he realised it was over the beast’s head was attached only by a few sinews. He let his sword fall from his hands, forgotten, and slumped to his knees. The echoes faded and a sudden silence fell over the scene.

Ilumene looked around. Even the Jesters looked stunned by the battle they had witnessed. It had been mere moments since Styrax had leaped into the battle. Neither of the surviving Demi-Gods had managed to take a step closer. Their sword-tips rested on the grass. The dispassionate Ilumene had to remind himself to breathe again as Copyright 2016 - 2024