The Ragged Man - By Tom Lloyd Page 0,68

and Torl hadn’t thought to discuss allegiance yet.

‘Consider your new lord,’ Karkarn reminded him, ‘so new to his position that they are most likely still deciding whether it a legal claim.’

‘He cannot afford to assume,’ Vesna agreed, ‘so Tila has offered herself as hostage to my actions. But what do I do when I return?’

‘Be the good servant. Lord Fernal knows nothing of war; suggest he needs a general in supreme command. You are now the best choice, General Lahk and Suzerain Torl would both agree.’

‘What are you planning?’

‘You expect me to demand a coup? No, nothing so dramatic, but you are my Mortal-Aspect now and I dub you the Iron General. A general is nothing without an army behind him — to serve all of the Gods, you must ensure the armies of the Farlan are mobilised and ready to fight.’

‘How do I go about that?’

‘You will find a way.’

‘Count Vesna,’ the mage interrupted in his dead tone. Vesna assumed it was meant in a questioning way.

‘Yes, Lord Fernal,’ he said, gathering his wits.

‘Will you serve me?’

‘I will, my Lord. Do you have any further orders?’

‘Yes. Lord Isak’s directions included orders to send his Personal Guard to King Emin’s service. I do not know why, but I intend to respect his wishes.’

‘As you command, sir.’

‘Good. Can you tell me how Lord Isak died?’

‘I . . .’ The words caught in Vesna’s throat and he felt his armoured hand tighten into a fist. ‘He died in battle with Lord Styrax. While fending off a dragon, he advanced alone on the Menin Army.’

‘Why would he do that?’

‘To save us.’ Vesna felt his hand start to shake and realised it was because he was clenching his hand so tightly. ‘The army was in danger of being obliterated, so he sacrificed himself.’

‘I understand,’ came the maddeningly level response. ‘It must — ’

Before he could finish the sentence the mage’s eyes flew open, an expression of pain crossing his face, and he fainted into the waiting arms of his attendant.

Vesna cursed under his breath; he would learn nothing more now for a week at least. As soon as the attendant had confirmed the mage was still breathing Vesna bowed to Torl and stalked out.

With the weight of the Land on his shoulders, he went to find Major Jachen, commander of Isak’s Personal Guard.

It seems I have much to learn about being a God. I can’t even enjoy the thought of ruining Jachen’s day.

Lord Fernal looked up at the three humans anxiously watching him. ‘One of you should speak.’

Tila looked at the other two and cleared her throat. ‘If the Penitent troops took such a beating, the cults will have to recruit before they can challenge your authority.’

‘Not necessarily,’ Lesarl said gloomily. ‘The cults have done themselves no favours, but — with your pardon, my Lord — the clerics are at least human, and Farlan. Son of Nartis or no, there’ll be plenty of folk who will see you just as a monster.’

Fernal nodded, absentmindedly scratching the fur on his cheek with a long hooked talon. He wore as little as ever, despite the cold vestiges of winter lingering in the Spiderweb Mountains. Only his cloak had changed; upon Lesarl’s advice he had replaced it with a fine white cape edged in gold and emblazoned with the snake emblem of Nartis.

Quitin Amanas, Keymaster of the Heraldic Library, was due later that morning to draw up a crest and colours for Fernal. The new Duke of Tirah might not have pale skin or wear clothes like the rest, but his position in society was set and Lesarl was keen to have every possible custom adhered to.

‘My Lord,’ High Cardinal Certinse began hesitantly, nervously pinching the scarlet hem of his robes, ‘may we return to the matter of a confessor for you? I know it is unpalatable — ’

‘Unless you find one young and plump, yes, they probably would be,’ Fernal interrupted. The three Farlan stared at him in shock until the huge Demi-God shook his head and gave a soft growl. ‘Just a joke! That is something I am still allowed to do — despite Cardinal Veck’s best efforts.’

From their expressions, the humour was lost on them, so Fernal quickly moved on, ‘If you can find an advisor not acting under orders of fanatics I would agree. However, the nature of your tribe is that every man has a master, so I doubt you will.’

Lesarl was quick to agree. ‘Cardinal Disten is about the only one Copyright 2016 - 2024