The Ragged Man - By Tom Lloyd Page 0,62

for Ruhen to take it. ‘What do you say, then?’

‘Now,’ Ruhen said with a firmness that made Natai tense. Kayel chuckled and leant over, extending his reach until the boy could take it from him.

Natai relaxed again. A boy must have a father, she reminded herself. Ganas was a sweet man, but he was weak. Kayel is a better influence for my little prince.

‘Anyways,’ Kayel continued, one cheek bulging, ‘the other letters are for Aracnan and the Jesters. The seal is Menin, General Gaur’s own.’

‘What does he want with you?’

Kayel smiled and a knife seemed to magically appear in his fingers. He picked up the letter and ran the blade under its seal. He unfolded the letter, held it up to the light and read it out loud.

‘Sergeant Kayel, you are cordially invited to join Lord Styrax the morning after tomorrow at dawn for a hunt. Attendance is mandatory for all subjects loyal to the new ruler of the Circle City.’

‘Well, you must not refuse him then,’ Natai said suddenly. ‘To do so would give grave offence.’

‘Hunting though? You invite noblemen hunting, not men like Raylin mercenaries, men like me!’ Kayel thought for a moment before giving a cough of laughter. ‘Hah, damn it, of course! Can’t really refuse him now can I? Not when it was your idea for the hunt in the first place. You take noblemen if you’re hunting for deer. You take Raylin and the like if you’re going after larger game.’

‘My idea?’

‘Yes, your Grace. You were the one who asked him to free us from the beast preying on the folk of Ismess. He’s gathering warriors and adventurers together to hunt a dragon; Piss and daemons, but I wouldn’t miss that fun for all the money in Coin. And when nobles go hunting, there’s always business to be talked over afterwards. So I wonder what it is he wants - and who else is invited? ’ His face fell slightly. ‘Giving Aracnan the good news might not be a bundle of fun.’

‘His wound still ails him?’

Kayel gave her a contemptuous look. ‘He’s an immortal who is slowly dying, driven mad by pain while the rot in his shoulder goes deeper into the bone. Ailing don’t really cover it.’

‘Library,’ Ruhen said, putting his pen down.

‘That’s right dear, soon you’ll be able to go to the Library of Seasons again and see the funny men with wings,’ Natai said.

‘Aye,’ Kayel agreed pensively, brushing the back of one thumb with the edge of his dagger. ‘A prince needs a suitable education now, don’t he?’

A small drop of blood fell onto the letter, but only Ruhen paid it any attention. He watched the bright spot run down the paper, his eyes dancing with delight.

‘This Menin occupation has become tiresome,’ Zhia announced, slipping her arms from the sleeves of her dress and letting it fall about her ankles. ‘There are altogether too many curious faces on the streets, even at night.’

The naked vampire ignored the bedroom’s chilly air and carefully unwound her plait to leave her hair falling freely about her shoulders. Doranei turned slightly so he could see her slim body silhouetted in the faint daylight creeping around the door. He felt a familiar stirring of lust banish the fog of sleep and for a while he just enjoyed the sight of her, every movement graceful and neat.

‘Where did you go?’ he asked eventually, propping himself up on one elbow. ‘I didn’t hear you leave.’

Zhia’s sharp teeth flashed white in the twilight. ‘I didn’t want to wake you.’ With a twitch of her fingers the blanket lifted off Doranei’s body and the cold air rushed in. As Doranei instinctively curled up Zhia slid sinuously into his arms. By the time the blanket dropped down again his body was tightly wrapped around hers, his lips on the nape of her neck as Zhia pushed against his chest.

‘You went to feed?’ Doranei said softly in her ear, breathing in the delicate perfume she wore.

‘I did. A girl has needs even you cannot satisfy,’ Zhia purred, reaching back around his waist to pull him tighter against her. As he kissed her again she took his hand and pressed it against her chest, hard enough to make him wince.

Doranei didn’t say anything more. He might not like it, but he was a professional killer; what right had he to pass judgment on her Gods-imposed curse?

‘How are you going to spend the day?’ she asked eventually.

He sighed. ‘I have the usual errands to run. Copyright 2016 - 2024