The Ragged Man - By Tom Lloyd Page 0,49

rest of the Circle City,’ Gaur said.

‘We knew that before the invasion.’ Styrax rubbed his hands over his face, trying to massage away the ache behind his eyes. ‘Nonetheless, it’s a timely reminder. Our schedule does not allow for grief.’

‘The dragon? I’ve heard it’s battered Ismess into submission as effectively as Lord Larim was going to.’

Styrax nodded. ‘I hadn’t expected that, a dragon staying so close to human habitation. The spell that kept it sleeping must not have been as accomplished as its creator intended - unless she’s more of a vicious bitch than we had heard. Its mind must be permanently damaged.’

‘Wouldn’t be the only one,’ Gaur added with a twitch of his black mane. ‘Word from Byora says the mercenary, Aracnan, has lost his mind; the poison’s driven him mad. Chade suspects it’s seadiamond venom.’

The huntsman bowed to Styrax when his name was mentioned. He was a small man, and his pinched, battered face made his age difficult to gauge. A hard life had left its mark: his teeth were yellowed, misaligned, and several were missing, and his cheeks were pitted with smallpox scars. On such a face the eager expression he was displaying looked far from natural.

‘Don’ know it well misself o’course, but I remember hearin’ about it years back. Damn stuff’s easy t’cure, so they say; supposedly alcohol kills it, so prob’ly all you’d need is to get yersel’ blind drunk - but magic, that excites the stuff, makes it work faster — ’

‘So it’s perfect for killing mages,’ Styrax finished. ‘How very like King Emin. His inventiveness is not to be underestimated; something to bear in mind when we march west.’

‘West? You mean after we’ve dealt with the Devoted?’ Gaur asked.

‘After several things,’ Styrax agreed. ‘Chade, there’s wine over there, pour us all a cup.’ When the man was out of immediate earshot, Styrax asked, ‘Apotheosis?’ He gave Gaur a meaningful look.

‘Yes, my Lord,’ the general replied. ‘He knows a little - not all - and I believe he’s the man to run it.’

‘Good. I don’t have the energy to speak in code.’

The huntsman returned balancing three goblets. General Gaur took one and Chade handed the second to Lord Styrax. He waited for the Menin lord’s nod before raising the goblet to his lips.

‘It’s time for the next phase of our conquest,’ Styrax said after a moment. ‘Duke Vrill is scouting the northeast, sounding out the remaining Knights of the Temples. Embere is the weaker of their two cities there, so Vrill is focused on Raland and General Telith Vener. The Knight-Cardinal is confined to quarters, and I doubt the general will be over-eager to liberate the only man to outrank him in the Order.’

‘Not if Vrill offers him the right deal,’ Gaur agreed. Vener would most likely accept a title; he’d rule over both cities as the Menin vassal happily enough. Duke Chaist, the ruler of Embere, wouldn’t be so happy, but his army had been mauled pretty comprehensively by Vener’s men the previous summer. The Menin’s recently recruited Chetse legions would help solve any future argument there.

‘In the meantime, a little confusion among the Devoted here would be a good idea. Start Apotheosis in Akell, then send word back to your men in the Chetse cities. The north is going to be more of a challenge, but it’s important they head there too - it’s the body-count that matters, and there are a lot of targets in the Farlan cities.’

Chade, aware of the significance of drinking with his lord, ventured to ask, ‘We holdin’ off in Tor Salan for the time bein’?’ He didn’t know much about Apotheosis, but he was aware that this secret undertaking was the principal driving force behind the Menin lord’s invasion of the West, and the rewards for those involved would be commensurately great.

‘There’s been enough bloodshed there, for the present at least,’ Styrax said. ‘The city’s unstable right now, and this is a long-term operation. There will be time enough for Tor Salan next year, if it’s needed - our final phase will not take place before next summer, at the earliest. Send your agents to Sautin and Mustet to continue Apotheosis there, then have them work their way further west.’ Styrax paused. ‘I hope I don’t need to remind you that you must be careful about whom you select for this operation.’

Chade nodded hard. ‘All in hand, my Lord. At the general’s orders I’ve bin pickin’ soldiers out’ve the stockade all this last year. They’s an Copyright 2016 - 2024