The Ragged Man - By Tom Lloyd Page 0,275

Temples, former head of the Serian in the Circle City, now deputy of the Devout Congress

Eliane - Ruhen’s true mother, originally named Haipar, until she lost her memory in Scree

Elshaim - Necromancer from Verech who became a prophet, noted for painting a series of images charting his impending descent into Ghenna

Endine, Tomal - Narkang mage in the employ of King Emin

Enkin (The Hounds of Jaishen) - Daemons that roam the Land hunting Aryn Bwr’s soul

Eraliave, General - Elven general who predated the Wars of the Houses and wrote the treatise Principles of Warfare

Escral, Duchess Natai - Ruler of Byora, a quarter of the Circle City

Escral, Duke Ganas - Deceased husband of Natai Escral

Esetar, Lakal - Menin mage, Adept of Larat, God of Magic, and part of Larim’s coterie

Etesia - Goddess of Lust, one of the three linked Goddesses - with Triena, Goddess of Romantic Love, and Kantay, Goddess of Longing - who together cover love in all its aspects

Etharain, Suzerain Hape - Nobleman from Aroth

Evaole (the Water Bearer) — Aspect of Vasle, God of Rivers

Farlan, Prince Kasi - Farlan prince during the Great War, in whose image white-eyes were created and after whom the lesser moon was named

Fate - Deceased Goddess of Luck, also known as the Lady, killed by Aracnan

Feers, Count Lerail - Farlan nobleman from Tirah

Fernal — Demi-God from Llehden, son of Nartis, the Storm God, and nominated by Isak to be his successor as Lord of the Farlan

Firnin, Camba - Specialist mage from Narkang

Fynner, Chaplain — Priest of Nartis from Lomin and chaplain of the Knights of the Temples

Garash, High Priest Kel - Priest of Belarannar, Goddess of the Earth, from Narkang, member of the Knights of the Temples and head of the Devout Congress

Gaur, General - Beastman warrior from the Waste, Lord Styrax’s most trusted general

Genedel - A dragon

Gesh - Litse white-eye and First Guardian of the Library of Seasons

Grast, Deverk - Infamous former Lord of the Menin

Great Wolf, the - One of the five Aspects of Death known as the Reapers

Grepel of the Hearths - Aspect of Tsatach, God of Fire

Grisat - Mercenary-turned-penitent of Ushull in the Circle City

Hain, Captain Gess - Menin officer in the Cheme Third Legion

Haipar the shapeshifter - Raylin mercenary of the Deneli tribe from the Elven Waste, known as Eliane after she loses her memory

Halis, Anversis - Narkang academic, King Emin’s uncle

Hastars, Torosay - Arothan mage

Headsman, the - One of the five Aspects of Death known as the Reapers

Herald of Death - Aspect of Death who ushers the dead to their Last Judgement

Herotay, Swordmaster Gal - Deceased Farlan soldier, former Commander of the Swordmasters and Knight-Defender of Tirah

Holtai, Tasseran - Narkang mage and scryer

Horle - Member of the Brotherhood

Hulf - Puppy, now belonging to Isak

Ilit - God of the Wind, patron of the Litse tribe and member of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon

Ilumene - A former member of the Brotherhood, now disciple of Azaer

Introl, Anad - Farlan politician; Gatekeeper of Tirah, member of the City Council; Tila’s father

Introl, Tila - Lord Isak’s advisor; Count Vesna’s fiancée

Isak - Deceased white-eye, former Lord of the Farlan, Duke of Tirah and Chosen of Nartis

Isen - Farlan blade-for-hire

Jachen, (Major Jachen Ansayl) — Commander of Lord Isak’s Personal Guard, former mercenary

Jackdaw (Prior Corci) - Former monk of Vellern, God of Birds

Jailer of the Dark - A dragon that fought the Gods during the Age of Myths and lost. Too powerful for them to completely kill, it was chained to the doorway to Death’s throne room on the lower slope of Ghain

Jarrage, Major Fenter — Member of the Knights of the Temples from Sautin

Jato, Steward - Steward of the Ruby Tower in Byora

Jesters, the — Four brothers, sons of Death, all Demi-Gods and Raylin mercenaries

Kail (ab Torn ab Venn) - A Harlequin

Kanasis - Aspect of Vrest, God of Beasts

Kantay - Goddess of Longing, sometimes referred to as Queen of the Unrequited. One of the linked Goddesses - with Etesia, Goddess of Lust and Triena, Goddess of Romantic Love - who together cover all the aspects of love

Kao - Berserker Aspect of Karkarn, God of War

Karkarn - God of War, patron of the Menin tribe and member of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon

Kasai, Nanter - Innkeeper’s wife from Kamfer’s Ford

Kassalain - Goddess of Murder, patron of assassins

Kayel, Sergeant Hener - The alias used by Ilumene in the Circle City

Kenanai the Mother - Aspect of Death, first of the Mercies on the slopes of Ghain

Keness of the Spear - Minor Aspect of Karkarn, God of War

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