The Ragged Man - By Tom Lloyd Page 0,226

thrown around. One was Azaer, another was Ilumene. Now any fool who lived through that little corner of Ghenna saw things that probably didn’t add up, pieces of the puzzle that were missing.’

‘Get to the point.’

‘I will. Your name is Ilumene; you’re a renegade agent of King Emin’s; you’re a high ranking follower of Azaer and you’re not in Byora just to kill time.’

Kayel paused, not for long but enough all the same that Amber knew he’d surprised him. ‘And what would that be to you?’

‘Maybe nothing, but from what I hear your master isn’t one for small ambitions. There’s a purpose in all you’re doing, and it ain’t a power-play for one minor city. However, my guess is we’re not in competition here.’

Kayel’s - Ilumene’s - grip seemed to relax fractionally, although his hand stayed on his swordhilt. ‘Could be that’s the case — but why’m I the one being interrogated here? You show me yours first, major.’

Amber shook his head. ‘Don’t get ideas above your station, sergeant. You’re operating within the Menin Empire; that you’re doing it openly makes me think you’ve got nothing to fear from us, and vice versa.’ He took a step forward and prodded Ilumene in the chest. ‘But that’s a far call from equal terms, and don’t you fucking well forget it.’

Ilumene stared him down, not rising to the bait, but he was obviously a long way from being cowed. He paused before he spoke, long enough for Amber to realise he’d got under the man’s skin. Ah, the guard-dog’s learned to count to ten when he’s on official business, but Gods, how he wants to bite!

‘Your point’s taken,’ Ilumene said in a controlled voice, a tight and mirthless smile on his face. It was clear the renegade Narkang agent had been taught not to lose his cool easily. ‘Just remember this,’ he continued, ‘you lead troops into the Ruby Tower, you’d win because you got the numbers on us. Don’t let that fool you into thinking you’d be walking out alive, though, because I’ll be making it my business to personally take you down before I fall.’

‘We’ll just have to wait for that little test,’ Amber said, ‘unless you want your temper to get the better of you? I doubt your master would be too happy about that. How do things work out for the disciples who disappoint Azaer?’

Ilumene laughed. ‘Don’t know much of the Brotherhood, do ya? The mission’s everything. If you’re invading Narkang you’ll be finding that out soon enough. Dumb little children, most o’ them might be, but there’s no doubt they’re damned well-trained.’

‘I’ll bear that in mind. Now, if you’re intending to enjoy Menin hospitality any longer, you’ll be telling me your master’s goal.’

Ilumene shook his head. ‘That’s not my call, just as you ain’t got permission to tell me what your lord’s up to. Let’s just say we’ve got a bit o’ revenge planned.’

‘Revenge?’ Amber took a step back and turned to spit on the ground. ‘You best spin me something better than that - ’less it’s revenge against all the Gods, I don’t buy it. It doesn’t fit what you’re up to, and if that’s what I report to Lord Styrax, he’ll laugh at me and take offence at you.’ He smiled. ‘I imagine you can guess how he expresses his displeasure.’

‘Okay,’ Ilumene said with a scowl, ‘so our scores ain’t the main goal, sure enough. I can’t tell you much - can’t - you get me? Just as you can’t choose to tell me why priests of Karkarn are meeting nasty ends recently - aye, we’ve noticed that too. So far we’re the only ones paying attention to the patterns amidst the chaos, but don’t kid yourself that’ll last through winter. All I can say is the master reckons there’s space for a new player among the immortals of the Land.’

Interesting; he said immortals, not Gods. ‘A new player? Azaer’s been playing for a while, so I hear.’

‘But on the lower Heartland board,’ Ilumene argued, ‘not the board of the heavens. The game’ll continue, just with some pieces moving in different ways.’

Amber got the message. Heartland played on two boards: the main board, where the bulk of a player’s pieces moved, but a second, smaller board, known as the heavens, where the most powerful pieces were. A player had to play both, with different ploys, or find themselves disastrously caught out.

‘My lord may require more.’

Ilumene cocked his head to one side. ‘A shakedown, is it? Copyright 2016 - 2024