The Ragged Man - By Tom Lloyd Page 0,204

looked to you for inspiration lost as they died in battle. It wasn’t their fight, it wasn’t their war - but they marched for the tribe, and they died for the tribe!’

Lesarl struggled out of Vesna’s grip and wrenched at his tunic to right it. ‘They are the ones who’ve lost in this war,’ he said contemptuously, ‘and you honour their memories by running away. You’re wrong, Iron General - this is a game you’ll see to the end, and that’s a choice you’ve made already. The only question is whether you realise your duty must come before your grief in time to ensure their sacrifices were not made in vain. You need to act - you need to find the courage your friends have shown and do your duty, no matter the cost.’

‘You want me to chase after Lord Styrax and die at his hands too? Maybe run away like Mihn on some witch’s errand — ?’

Lesarl’s face purpled. ‘You think Mihn’s run away? Nartis preserve us, you really are just a stone-headed soldier, aren’t you? Didn’t you see the tattoos he put on himself?’

Vesna frowned, confused. He realised he had never seen Lesarl so incandescent with rage. ‘Of course I did - but I’ve no mage’s schooling.’

‘And you never even bothered to investigate.’ Lesarl shook his head in disgust. ‘I don’t know whether it was something he cooked up with Lord Isak or if he just guessed his lord’s mind, but Mihn has made as much of a sacrifice as you - probably even more; I imagine it will last a great deal longer. He’s not let anything get in the way of his duty.’

‘What in Ghenna’s name are you talking about?’

‘Hah, exactly! Charms of protection, charms of silence - even a rune that echoed the one on Lord Isak’s chest! He linked his soul to a white-eye, one who had been dreaming of his own death for months, who believed it would be at the hands of Lord Styrax — and who then marched south towards that death.’

Vesna found himself sinking back down into his chair. ‘At the battle — He said — He was talking about being a gambler, and the quality of his friends ... I thought he was just talking about the battle, about saving the army.’

‘I don’t think he wanted anyone to know,’ Lesarl said, more gently now. ‘I doubt he wanted anyone counting on something as crazy as that. After all, who knows how it might work out? All I have are my suspicions, and the certainty that Mihn wouldn’t ever let fear interfere with his duty. If duty took him to the Dark Place then there he would go, without hesitation.’

Vesna realised the wetness on his cheeks was tears, and a hundred clamouring thoughts were filling his mind. ‘Then maybe he’s a stronger man than I,’ he muttered, ‘because I don’t have the strength to carry on.’ For the first time he felt embarrassed at his weakness, but he was done. He truly had nothing left to give . . .

‘Yes, my friend, you do. You have the strength of a God running through your veins, and you have a task ahead of you. This war isn’t over, and you must play your part to the end.’ Lesarl’s voice was breaking.

‘Where . . . Where do I even begin?’ Vesna could not hide the sob.

Lesarl gestured to the reports on his desk. ‘You are now Lord Karkarn’s man; as Chief Steward of the Farlan I can no longer give you orders.’ He managed a sly smile. ‘However, there are pieces of a puzzle here that you may draw your own conclusions from.’

‘The dead priests,’ Vesna said slowly, ‘someone is murdering priests of Karkarn. An assassination attempt was made on me - by a true Elf assassin with a magical arrow . . . and that’s something we’ve heard before. The Krann of the Chetse was possessed by a daemon after being shot with a magical arrow, at the orders of Lord Styrax.’

‘The Chosen of Karkarn,’ Lesarl repeated, ‘apparently weakening the God he is, or was once, aligned to. What else?’

‘My noble status? How does that fit in?’

‘Do you remember our conversation the morning of your wedding?’

Vesna felt a black weight descend on his mind and it took him a moment to collect his wits again. ‘About my religious status, and continuing the war alone.’

‘Indeed - although you will not be alone. General Lahk has expressed a wish to take holy orders, Copyright 2016 - 2024