The Ragged Man - By Tom Lloyd Page 0,122

away. ‘Do you think that is what he would have wanted? You never understood how Isak could be so accepting of your feelings for me, but it’s because he realised what it meant to be a white-eye after that first battle. Violence flowed through his veins, but he found a reason to channel it. As he watched our feelings for each other grow, Isak realised he could live with the violence. He knew he had to accept it as his lot in life, so that others might find something different, something better.’

‘And what about Isak?’ Vesna said bitterly. ‘What does he get for his sacrifice? He was just a boy!’

She pulled his unresponsive hand closer and finally felt his fingers close about hers. ‘I didn’t say it was a fair exchange, just that Isak was happy to make it. And remember; he’s one of the Chosen, Isak’s place in the land of no time is assured.’

A discreet cough came from behind her. ‘Curious that you bring that up,’ said a quiet voice behind her.

Tila barely had time to turn before Vesna was upright and standing protectively in front of her. After a moment she felt him relax and step slightly away so she could see the speaker. It was a man, that much she could tell, and he appeared to be dressed in shifting robes of darkness. As her mouth fell open in astonishment, the figure gave a dismissive gesture with both arms and the black swirl melted into nothing, revealing a white silk tunic and both arms covered in ornate bronze armour.

‘Lord Isak has not knelt before the Chief of the Gods, he has not passed to the land of no time,’ said Karkarn, God of War, bowing to Tila with all ceremony.

In her astonishment and horror Tila found herself unable to move, let alone kneel before the God, but his imperious face showed no displeasure.

‘What do you mean? Say it plainly,’ Vesna growled.

‘Remember your place, my Iron General — it is not to question me,’ the God said coldly.

‘How am I supposed to serve you if you withhold information from me?’

‘Stop your petulance,’ Karkarn said sharply, his face flickering slightly between the cool, emotionless expression and the wild face that Tila guessed was his Berserker Aspect. ‘It is not for you to know the secrets of the Land, especially if they were kept from you by the one you grieve.’

‘Isak?’ Tila found herself blurting out, ‘this is his doing?’ She stopped, casting her mind back to the months he’d spent in Tirah before leaving with the army. ‘Is that what he was up to — what he and Mihn were conspiring? He was planning for his own death?’

‘What happens after death is not my domain,’ Karkarn replied, ‘and Lord Death is not one to be questioned idly on the subject. I do know that your white-eye has not passed through the halls of Death, and that is no simple feat.’

‘What does it mean?’ she asked, her voice breaking.

Karkarn gestured towards Vesna. ‘I merely answer my servant’s plea,’ he said, and vanished in the blink of an eye.

‘Vesna, what did he mean by that?’ Tila asked, bewilderment clear in her voice.

The count took Tila’s hand once again. ‘I questioned the choices I had made, the service I had given Isak. I don’t know where this path will lead, but what hope do I have if I’ve already failed those around me?’

‘But now you know that isn’t true — you know Isak was fixed upon this path, wherever it took him?’

‘I wish it were as simple as that,’ he sighed, looking down at his love. ’But yes, it’s at least clear now that Isak had a plan — why he could not trust me with it, I don’t know — Ah, damnation! I’ve as many questions now as I had before — ’ He stopped for a moment, then said, ‘No, maybe not quite. At least I can believe he didn’t die for nothing. It’s scant comfort when my dear friend is dead, but it’s something.’

Tila stood on her tiptoes and drew him close. Vesna wrapped his arms around the young woman and bent to her, and she kissed him. They stood together, embracing closely, for several minutes, until Vesna returned the kiss with surprising fervour.

When Tila did at last pull back slightly, she settled her cheek against his. ‘It’s been too long since you last did that,’ she murmured, breathing in the scent of his body. She kissed Vesna Copyright 2016 - 2024