The Ragged Man - By Tom Lloyd Page 0,117

and three outright land battles, not to mention an entire dossier of clandestine actions.

‘Both. I am a man of Perlir,’ Sir Jachers clarified, ‘but Duke Lokan contacted my lord when he heard of Lord Isak’s death. Their concerns on the subjects in hand are close enough that they speak with one voice.’

‘And that would be your voice. What are the subjects being discussed?’

‘Principally: the legality of Lord Fernal’s appointment, Lord Fernal’s intentions regarding this position, the continuing problems with the cults, and Lord Isak’s crusade.’

‘Has Duke Lomin added his voice to this discussion yet?’ Vesna asked, wondering how Lord Isak’s appointment would be reacting to the news.

Lomin had shown the rest of the tribe he was as independent as his peers when he refused to send troops to join Isak’s ‘crusade’, but how he would react now was anyone’s guess. Their information on the man was not complete enough for sensible guesses to be made, he’d proved that much.

Sir Jachers shook his head. ‘The mind of Duke Lomin is not known to my master, they have met but once. Anticipating the wishes of Duke Lokan is somewhat easier. Duke Sempes has sent me here with all possible speed so that swift decisions might be made, if any agreement can be reached. He believes acting before the suzerains do so en masse is the best way to guide their actions.’

‘In that he is correct,’ Lesarl broke in. ‘With your permission, Lord Fernal, might I suggest we bring the discussion to a close for the time being? There is much that needs to be done now the Ghosts have returned and you might wish to consider Sempes and Lokan’s positions before proposing a resolution.’

Fernal nodded. He knew how little of the nation’s politics — Isak had asked him to take this position because he wanted a leader who could be a symbol for all, as well as a warrior. A nose for politics would have been the least of Isak’s requirements.

‘A good idea. I will sleep on it. Now, if you would give me the room? I must speak with Count Vesna before he goes about his duties.’

The others left smartly, Tila ushering Sir Jachers away and Lesarl only too keen to be about his work. Vesna watched her leave, feeling fresh pangs of guilt over leaving Isak on the battlefield. His death would have hurt her badly. Tila was still young, and she had been closer to Isak than to either of her brothers. However much they had infuriated each other, the bond between them had only strengthened with every squabble.

‘Vesna,’ Fernal said softly, ‘what have we done?’

He looked up, startled. ‘My Lord?’

‘Look at us,’ Fernal continued, spreading his arms wide, ‘was this a goal for either of us? You, the Mortal-Aspect of Karkarn? I, Lord of the Farlan? How did we end up this way?’

‘I couldn’t say, my Lord.’

Fernal shook his head sadly. ‘I do not know what to do. Lord Isak hoped my appointment would heal rifts, provide the Farlan with a figure to rally around.’

‘Lord Isak never fully understood his nobility,’ Vesna pointed out, hearing the bewilderment in Fernal’s voice, ‘but the very fact that you claim the title has delayed outright civil war, that I promise you, my Lord.’

‘And now? What do I do now? I keep being asked questions I cannot answer! The dukes claim my appointment is illegal, they are threatening to break away from the nation if I remain.’

‘What do you want?’

Vesna’s question seemed to catch Fernal off-guard. The massive Demi-God peered at him for a while, his mouth open just enough for Vesna to catch a glimpse of pointed teeth.

‘Not this,’ was the eventual answer. ‘Power has never interested me, and the politics of men even less so. If my father chooses a new white-eye for this position tomorrow I will give thanks at his temple for the first time in my life.’

‘You wish to return to Llehden?’

‘Of course, it is my home. But I do not wish for civil war among the Farlan either; I fear leaving now will spark that.’

Vesna didn’t speak. There was nothing he could say. Lesarl would have already told Fernal all he needed to know about the Farlan nobility. Without a ruler, they would fight. It was as simple as that.

‘If it helps,’ he said eventually, ‘I am as adrift as you, my Lord. Lord Karkarn has given me only one order, to ensure the Farlan Army is ready when it is required. At present I am Copyright 2016 - 2024