Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,97

back to carving, ignoring her questions. It’s better not to drag those memories up, nothing but pain and madness live there now. Obviously realising she won’t get an answer, she reaches across the table and stills my hands.

“I’m sorry, maybe you could teach me one day.” With that she stands, grabs a bottle of water, and retreats back upstairs.

Only then do I look down at the carving and swear. It’s of her face. It’s rough and not finished, but even to my eyes I can see her features there.

I leave Griffin to it, seeing the closed look on his face. He had looked so peaceful, so free when I had found him hunched over his carvings that I couldn’t help it. I’m learning about him slowly. Stopping in the living room, I look across all the photographs on the wall. His perspectives are beautiful, but the black and white makes every scene depressing, and it’s obvious that even in beauty he sees the darkness.

Not wanting him to get pissed and find me staring, I head back upstairs and to Nos. He is laying back on the bed where I left him with his arm under his head, and his chest bare. He looks beautiful and otherworldly, so much so, that I stop for a moment just to admire him.

He truly is a piece of art. I can understand why they made him a god and worshipped him. His lips quirk up and I catch my breath. “Are you just going to stare, or are you coming back to bed, Little Monster?” he teases.

Grinning, I drop the bottle of water on one of the nightstands and climb onto the bed, then snuggle back into his chest. I run my fingers across his bronzed, defined skin and look up at him to see him smiling softly down at me.

“Tell me more about you,” I urge. I know a lot, and when you spend so much time with someone, when you kill with someone, you learn things that no words could ever explain, but I know he’s old and has lived a long life and I’m curious. What did my mate do before me? Why was he in the forest? Why doesn’t he hate humans like Griffin?

“What do you want to know, Little Monster?” he murmurs, sounding relaxed as he plays with my hair. It’s the first time we aren’t rushing to do something, we’re just relaxing. There are no dead bodies or kidnapping, just our words. It’s nice.

“Everything, what was your life like? Where did you grow up? Your family?” I ask, and lean up to see that his face has clouded before he shakes his head.

He looks at me and strokes my cheek gently. “I have lived a long life, Little Monster, seen the rise and fall of empires, queens and kings, and more…yet, it all felt like I was waiting...waiting for you. It meant nothing, it was...all grey, until you came along. So I have not purposely kept my life from you, I just don’t care about it. I only care about you.”

“Motherfucker.” I grin and lean down to kiss him. Pulling away, I run my fingers along his face. “I still want to know, talk to me. Tell me some stories.”

“Anything for you, Little Monster,” he murmurs and we get comfy, his head resting on mine, and our legs entwined as we cuddle.

“I do not know my family. The first thing I can remember is being in the wilderness, I was around four or five then I think. I grew up in nature, it was just my way of life. I learned to talk to the animals before man, I studied their ways, their hierarchies. My powers grew and grew, but I knew nothing else. Then I met the fae, they took me in and taught me of the world, except I was a man by then and fiercely independent, but I was also curious. I ventured out into the world, but more often than not I would return to the wild. It was my home, it was where I was happiest. Around man I had to hide what I was, I didn’t there.”

Stroking his chest, I think about how lonely that sounds but I don’t say that out loud.

“I loved the languages and cultures, enjoyed watching the world develop, so I stayed in touch with the human world while removing myself from it, but I couldn’t seem to help myself. I helped where I could and I guess

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