Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,88

are clever, you know demons.”

“I know monsters,” I reply and it laughs again.

“I would think so, seeing as though you are one of the greatest, the beast of Cornacadia.” It steps back, standing down.

“Do we have a binding?” I growl, sick of games.

“Yes, yes minotaur. I will not kill any of these people or you, and you shall release me so I may return to those doomed witches and kill them all.” It changes back to its demon form, licking its lips at the thought of the witches’ deaths.

Its black horns are so large they almost meet in the middle, with a ball of flames constantly moving between them both. Its eyes are small and slit like a snake’s. It has no eyebrows or nose, and just two small, thin lips. Its ears are pointed and stretches out like a fae, and its skin colour is a mix of black and red.

They don’t look like the ones you see in movies or books, they are terrifying, and most humans can’t stand to look at them without wanting to claw their own eyes out. Even now, I step between it and the humans to make sure they don’t. I can’t have a blind pilot, now can I?

I nod and it holds out its hand and I can just about see the glimmering of the magic binding it. I am really hoping this works since I have never tried it before. Gripping my sword, I touch it lightly to the band on my arm before raising it and bringing it down on the magic holding it.

I am thrown backwards as it breaks. Clutching my sword, I quickly jump to my feet in case it still tries to attack. All it does is rolls its shoulders with a murderous grin on its face before it salutes me, and with a pop and the smell of sulfur, disappears.

The lights come back on and the plane heats up. Shaking out my arms, I sheath my swords and turn to the pilots. I kneel and undo their bindings.

“Let’s go,” I order, before turning and taking my seat at the back of the plane. I close my eyes as a small smile plays on my face. I can almost hear the screams and pleas of the witches as they die.

Ray’s house looks like a drug den. For someone who makes so much money from selling and betraying humans, you would think he would live somewhere fancier. I guess it makes it easier though, no one will bother to look and they will ignore the screams.

The outside is dirty and covered in graffiti, and the once white paint of the two story, detached house is fading and rotting. The front garden is overrun and looks like it’s never been looked after. The driveway is empty and crumbling.

“Are you sure this is the place?” I ask Griffin.

He’s behind me, lurking in the shadows, while Nos stands by my side.

“Yes,” he snaps.

Arching my eyebrows, I look over my shoulder at him and give him a warning look, before turning back to the house. I step off the curb, make my way around the dimly lit road, and up the drive. We are on the other side of town, even past the warehouse district, and it’s obvious no one cares about anything out here. Maybe that’s why he chose it.

With no other options, I knock on the door politely and wait. Nos and Griffin stand at my back, a god and a genetically engineered assassin, I wouldn’t open the door either.

Frowning, I raise my fist and knock again.

“Someone is coming,” Nos comments, and when I look over at him he taps his ear. “Ears of bat, eyes of an eagle.” He winks.

I grin and turn back just as the door opens, revealing the man I’m guessing we are looking for. Blinking, I do a double take. I expected a guy similar to Marco, but this guy is nothing like him at all.

Craning my neck back, I stare at his scarred face. Well, shit. So many scars criss-cross on his face, like he was pushed into a barbed fence, that I give up trying to count them. His left eye is slightly droopy and his lips are pressed in a thin, tight white line. His head is shaved, and a skull tattoo runs all the way around, from what I can see.

His body is similarly as huge, encased in a black, long-sleeve top and jeans, with black army style boots on his

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