Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,81

what the name says. Outcasts, freaks, the ones the other species don’t want. Some are born different, some it’s their lifestyle, but all have been rejected by their family or species. With nowhere else to go they became nomads, as was I after our...little meeting. I grew sick of that life, always moving. Always fighting, always watching my own back. I wanted roots and so did a lot of others it seems. So I started my own fucking species, one not limited by what or who you are. As long as you are part of this family, you can be or do whatever the fuck you want. We watch out for each other, we are a true family.” He gestures around as he speaks, and I can hear the fondness and truth in his words. I have been a nomad, as he would say, for a long time, the only one of my species to live. My queen slaughtered the others, either in the great wars, the labyrinth, or the arenas. It is all I have ever known, I cannot imagine a life like he has made here, but I am happy if it works for him.

I nod and he laughs.

“Still not a talker, eh? That’s fine I can talk enough for the both of us. I’m unsure how the witches got the drop on us, but rest assured they will not again, but brother, you must watch your back. They are after your blood and they won’t stop until they have it. This was only the first, a test. You know better than anyone what they are capable of,” he warns, serious for once, and I nod before swinging my gaze out of the glass door at the end of the room to the back garden.

He is right, they won’t stop. They will get the best of the best, the trackers and summoners, to come after us. One wields demons like pets, the other uses their magic and can find you wherever you go—you are never free and I’m leading them straight to my mate.

But, I have no choice, do I? If they find out she is my mate then they will go for her anyway, and if I am not there I can’t protect her. If I go and they didn’t know, they would be able to use her as bait.

“I can see that mind of yours turning, do not let them scare you off. You have been waiting too long to find a mate, and it’s not something everyone gets. Do not turn away in fear of what could happen. The fates have chosen her for you, she will be stronger than you could ever expect. You need each other, now more than ever. Brother, stay true to the course,” he adds, his logic sound for once.

Looking at the table, I blow out a breath. He is right, first I will find my mate. Then I will deal with the witches. I just hope she is strong enough to stand by my side...it is all I have ever wanted.

“Is the plane ready?” is all I say, even though my head is crowded with thoughts.

He grins and claps, getting to his feet. “Of course, go get your girl.”

Nodding, I stand and clap him on the back before turning and leaving without looking back. No more of that, everything is about my future now. Everything is about her.

Lifting the weight over and over, I yell and throw it at the wall as she screams again. Once they had started going at it for real I retreated to the basement, sticking on my music to cover the noise of him fucking my mate, but it’s not working. It’s like my brain can’t escape it. Half of me wishes it was me, the other half hates them both.

Getting to my feet and ripping off my t-shirt so I’m just in my black mesh shorts, I grab the steel bar and start pulling myself up, faster and faster, concentrating on the burn in my muscles rather than the moans of pleasure still echoing around my head, imprinted there.

I wonder if she would scream like that for me. Shaking my head against the thought, I growl and push myself faster, reminding myself of all the reasons why I don’t want a mate, especially a fucking skinwalker with a fucking god for a pet.

No, she’s better getting the fuck away from me and fast. Dropping from the bar when it doesn’t work either, I

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