Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,59

they scream and try to fight it. Swinging my head from left to right I catch them all as they try to flee from me.

When none remain, I shut my mouth before the black smoke starts to leak out, begging and calling me to eat their souls, which hang in the balance, but I don’t want that sort of evil and judgment coursing through my body, so instead I watch as each soul floats above their vacant bodies before fading from view.

May hell have mercy on their wretched souls, mercy I did not show.

I spent the last two hours tracking my mate across the city. I found some witnesses that led me to a restaurant. When I...questioned the staff there, they told me she had left with a patron of theirs. I could smell their fear and hate, and that told me all I needed to know. She didn’t leave voluntarily.

Back to square one, I focused on our bond again until I finally ended up outside the warehouse that I am staring at now. Over in the industrial district, with litter and run-down factories and buildings, the place looks abandoned, but when I tried the door I found it open.

When I step inside, the smell of death, decay, blood, and unwashed bodies hits me, making me crinkle my nose, but underneath it all? The smell of my mate.

Tracking it through the hallways, ignoring the bodies of men dressed in black, I find myself outside a large room. Inside there are metal cells and video equipment that has me clenching my fists, especially when I scent my mate in one of those cages. The dead, naked man inside gives me pause and makes me grin. Oh yes, she has definitely been here.

I backtrack out of the room and head to the only other door. It leads down, and when I reach the bottom of the stairs I frown at the bloodstains and chains littering the little landing. Stepping into what I can only describe as a fucked up laboratory, I scan the cells with their open doors.

The smells down here give me pause as I sort through them all. Wolf, naga, witch, demon, and so many more, but the strongest of all is the scent of human, my mate and...is that a fucking Nephilim? I thought the bastards had been killed off by now.

They are untrustworthy psychopaths, usually trained as assassins, and council lap dogs. So why is one here? Unless it was captured like the rest, but that doesn’t seem right. The rest of the scents are distinctly feminine and this one is male.

The freshest scent of death leads me down the hallway until I find the half mangled, bloodied body of what I am guessing used to be a doctor. From the equipment and setup, it looks like they were experimenting on supernaturals, but why?

Left with more questions than answers and no sign of Dawn, I head back upstairs and stand in the chaos that is the hallway. What has my little monster gotten herself into and where is she now?

Leaving the warehouse, I tilt my head when I hear a caw from above. I spot the bird and grin at my fortune. Crooking my finger, I hold out my hand and wait as it flies down and lands there, its intelligent eyes locked on mine. Birds make excellent spies.

Stroking its head, I hold its beady gaze and reach across the distance, fusing my mind with its. Memories pour in and I frown as I watch what happened here tonight.

I cut off the flow of information and stroke the bird’s head once before throwing it up in the air, letting it fly away. At least I know where my mate is heading, that winged bastard mentioned The Clubhouse and warned her not to go, but if I know my mate at all, his order will only make her want to go even more. She also seemed unhurt, which might just save the city from me decimating it if she had been, but the humans’ fates still hangs in the balance. I will wait to pass judgment until I know fully what happened.

Now, it’s time to find Dawn.

Driving the stolen BMW with a grin, I change gear and speed up, whooping to myself as I race around the empty city corners of the industrial district. I should head back and meet Nos, but I know Griffin will go straight to The Clubhouse without me and I want to make sure

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