Rage (Her Monsters Book One) - K.A Knight Page 0,48

them for target practice?”

She laughs again. “Yup.”

“Look BB, there’s a shelter not far from here. It would be a good place to start.”

She frowns and looks away. “I don’t want people to think I’m broken, I don’t want their fucking sympathy. I want to make a new life. I want the bastards to pay.”

I grin. “What did I tell you? Big fucking balls.”

We hear a noise up top and our bonding moment is over. I start back down the stairs with her on my heels.

When we reach the bottom I frown at the steel door. It looks like a prison, not a basement. There’s a small slot at the top of the door, covered in three bars. The door itself looks like it could withstand a nuclear blast and it’s an awful blue colour, with the paint peeling in places and rusting in others.

“You ready?” I inquire, knowing whatever we find down here won’t be good.

She nods and I grab her arm and drag her to my side. I can feel myself tiring, my body wanting to change back, so I need to get in and out. Scanning my palm, I wait but it blinks red. I swear and hammer my fists on the door and wait with bated breath. Every second it takes seems to make me even more tired, the effort of staying in this form is draining me.

Eventually, the door swings open to show me a bulky guy in a lab coat. He looks like he should be bench pressing cars, not taking blood and experimenting on women. His blue eyes leave mine and when they center on BB something akin to hunger enters his eyes, except it’s not for her body but what he thinks it holds.

“Another one? Great, bring her through.” He gestures, and I walk past him and let him shut the door before he carries on. “What can she do? Or do we know what she is?” he asks excitedly, before clearing his throat and starting to walk, but he keeps throwing BB looks every now and again, making her cower into my side.

“Not sure, one of the others asked me to bring her down. She royally fucked him up though.” I grin at him, pretending to love this as much as him, when in fact I want to gouge out his eyeballs and make them into earrings.

I make sure to keep my looking around discreet, nodding along as he talks while I observe where we are. It’s one long hallway with a few rooms going off of it, but they look like cell doors. At the end, the hallway seems to open up and that’s where he’s leading us. When he walks into the open room, he heads straight to a clipboard as I gawk.

It’s dark, musty, and depressing as hell. The room is a giant square with a command hub in the middle filled with computers, paperwork, and monitoring equipment. He’s the only man in here at the moment.

To the left and right are what look like more cells, but this time they have a glass front and I spot two women cowering in each, trying to blend into the dark stone walls at the back of the cell.

On the other end of the room is a glass separator. In the room beyond sits what looks like a dentist chair, but with straps for restraints on it. Medical equipment, x-rays, tools, tables, microscopes, and much more line the walls and cabinets behind it, and I have to swallow hard. What the hell are they doing down here to bring out their ‘freak?’

“Okay, put her in the chair. We have a gap in the schedule at the moment because Ki had to run upstairs and help with something,” he mutters, staring at the clipboard with crazy intensity.

Nodding, I walk BB through the glass door and to the chair, then I push her gently. She sucks in a breath but slowly clambers into the chair, her face pale and worried and her eyes darting everywhere. Once there, with my back to the man, I smile and raise my finger to my lips. She nods and it seems to settle her a little.

I pretend to do up the restraints, but I leave them undone in case she needs to escape quickly. I won’t get her hurt anymore than she already has been. Stepping back, I grimace when the guy comes in and I spot the blood on the right side of his lab coat

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